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GamePlay Scenarios

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Grunt Attack:
How abour Team Defender From MW3?
The Gametype is very silmilar to Goldeneye N64's "The Living Daylights" and Halo's "Oddball" except there is only 1 flag in the map and the flag doesn't respawn if the flag has been left untouched for while.
In Cod version , it's like teamdeath but the team with the flag earns two points (2) per kill unlike the team with out flag.However, the player who kills the flag carrier, will earn their team, two and half points (2.5)

Honestly, I found Living Daylights not fun at all as it's really easy to run away from enemies and win the game if there like 4 flags on most GE:S maps.
Team Defender was my favorite gametype of all times and it would be nice if it was plotted over to GE:S.
I'll love to hear your thoughts about my idea and GE:S having One In A Chamber, is brilliant idea :)


--- Quote from: Grunt Attack on May 27, 2013, 12:29:24 pm ---How abour Team Defender From MW3?
The Gametype is very silmilar to Goldeneye N64's "The Living Daylights" and Halo's "Oddball" except there is only 1 flag in the map and the flag doesn't respawn if the flag has been left untouched for while.
In Cod version , it's like teamdeath but the team with the flag earns two points (2) per kill unlike the team with out flag.However, the player who kills the flag carrier, will earn their team, two and half points (2.5)

Honestly, I found Living Daylights not fun at all as it's really easy to run away from enemies and win the game if there like 4 flags on most GE:S maps.
Team Defender was my favorite gametype of all times and it would be nice if it was plotted over to GE:S.
I'll love to hear your thoughts about my idea and GE:S having One In A Chamber, is brilliant idea :)

--- End quote ---

Hmm, seems somewhat like Hold the Briefcase (http://forums.geshl2.com/index.php/topic,7310.0.html) with hb_scoretype 1 and hb_cases_override 1. With those settings only one case spawns and scores are determined by the number of kills by the case holder.

Grunt Attack:
That might actually work out well.
I'll have to host a online dedicated server to see how, Hold The Briefcase and One Bullet Is Enough Gametypes, goes in GE:S
Thanks for tip WNxEuphonic  ;)


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