My suggestion has some holes in it (like: what will the first winner be able to do? Nothing? Run around and possible affect the game negatively due to either being underpowered and an easy target, or overpowered and stopping everyone, depending on the weapon he'll get?), but:
It would be nice if the game didn't immediately end as soon as 1 player won. It'd be nice if the other players could still brawl it out for 2nd place, 3d place and such.
Also, it'd be nice if you had some more controls over weaponsets and such for bot-play. It's really easy modifying files (just simple text), but it becomes quite a hassle if you constantly have to shift files around if you're going back to online. It's also prone to errors (having to be really careful what you type, and often having to look something up), would be nice if there was a simple UI for that.