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Texture Artist

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Robert B.:
Hey all,

I've done work for various other modifications in the past and I would like to get some more portfolio work done so I thought i'd hit you guys up. I am a Texture Artist, Graphic Designer & Web Developer. I've worked with Black Mesa: Source, Insurgency: Source and the very old (none of you will remember these guys) and retired Hostile Planet mod team. I mainly texture Props, Players & Vehicles. However I am capable of creating environment art and other bits and pieces of digital art for the game worlds.

Visit to view my portfolio.

You give me the UVW and I'll skin it. I have about 2-15 hours a day for the next three weeks to do work, so if you need things done now is a great time.


It's not specificially my department, but something tells me the correct person will be in touch with you very shortly. Glad you applied  ;D

I have had a look at your portfolio and you have some nice stuff in there. It doesn't seem to have any game related stuff in it but with the talent you have show I'm sure your game stuff is very good. Also BMS and INS are top mods with great art. When baron or lodle come along can you bump Robert to trial member and we will give you something to work on. We always start people off on trial as we get a lot of time wasters but once you finish one bit of work then we can bring you on too the full team :)

Konrad Beerbaum:
Hey thanks for applying.  You'll have to wait for one of the leads to bump you to trial, but I had a few questions in the meantime.  You would need someone to UV models for you, correct?  Are you familiar with normal mapping techniques? If not, are you open to learning these techniques?

Looking forward to seeing what you can do. 

Jonathan [Spider]:
your one of these people that i see that has a lot of potential to take a really fantastic skill set to make them into a really good texture painter. ill bump you to trial, go ahead and make a new thread in the trial members section, and we can get you something to do.


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