Global Communications > Development Media
Blog 7/29/2007
Sean [Baron]:
Yeah I dropped to the floor, and was like Holy Shit! Pretty much didn't move for a few minutes til the police arrived.
Jonathan [Spider]:
next time bust out your glock and spray the walls yelling "take that you looney sons of bitches"
make sure to take a video of your self doing that too, and post it on youtube, cause i would really want to see that haha.
--- Quote ---Glad everyone was okay, but you should have brought out a 12 gauge, and shot some warning shots into the air. Then your other ghetto neighbors would do the same with other small arms, and it would turn into a party-like occasion with bullets blazing through the air. Everyone would relax, and then they would discuss their related firearms. The police should have brought donuts to ease the tension.
--- End quote ---
Hehe, that would be lovely. All the reports coming in of people getting shot all over the city from falling bullets :-p
That's pretty crazy man. I know stuff goes down like that farther north from where I live, but not really in my area. It's not as good as it used to be though...
crazy indeed. my city is not as violent as rio de janeiro so i'm not used to that kind of stuff. the other day i was jogging as usual and heard 3 bangs close by, like 100m away. sounded like someone hammering a wooden plank really strong, so it didn't scare me at all and i kept jogging. few seconds later a lot of police cars rushed by and helicopters and all kinds of crap.
later at home my dad (he was playing soccer like 20m away from the place too, the bullets could've easily reached him or even me) told me the police just killed a guy with 2 shots in the head. it seems that they kidnapped a cab driver and put him on the trunk. i don't know what happened to the other criminals though :(
This being the UK, violence like that doesn't happen because hardly anybody has guns except the gangsters in bristol/london/other big cities. The only guns anyone is alowed to own legally, if they can prove their need, is a shotgun - but you have to prove you need it and have no criminal convictions for which this weapon may be dangeous, and you also need a license. The most violent stuff we have is the police accidentally shooting the wrong people (in 2005 they shot a brazilian tourist because he was wearing a long coat and jumped a gate in the london underground, which of course makes him a terrorist :\) but that hardly ever happens.
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