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Sean [Baron]

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Blog 7/29/2007
« on: July 30, 2007, 02:27:41 am »

Last night was pretty scary and crazy. First let me set the back story so you can get an idea of the situation. I live in a pretty nice, safe, town house complex, or I should say my brother does as I'm just staying with him up in WA St. until I find my own place up here.

About a week ago some new people moved in just as I got up here, they seemed pretty cool, quiet, normal people. They are I'm guessing a married couple, but I haven't met them personally but my brother has and he mentioned that they seemed pretty nice. Of course that was all before we start to here them arguing every night at about 2-4am in the morning, which after a couple nights of that gets really annoying and you almost expect a head to come through the wall to greet you. Not only that but they are really loud as well, aside from the arguing obviously, it seems like they walk around with 10 pound weights on their feet.

Now the arguing hasn't gotten past anything but words, from what I can tell, but last night it got really bad really quick. I have to say that I've never heard the guy at all, I only hear the girl yelling at him I'm assuming and him trying to calm him down. Now the sound proofing in these town homes aren't all that great, if you speak loud enough you can pretty much make out all of a conversation that someone is having, but still nobody should be talking that loud anyway. So last nigh at about 3am I wake up, and hear her once again yelling, and walking around loudly. Earlier in the day I think they were having a party next door, which was cool since it's a weekend and I don't mind if they are loud, as long as it doesn't extend into the early hours of the morning.

All of a sudden outside, I hear one of them cock a pistol, and then the girl says something. I couldn't make out what she said but she said the same thing twice. Soon as I heard the gun load, I knew something bad was going to happen. As soon as she said whatever she said twice, BANG. At this point I'm pretty much freaking out. I don't know what just happened, if I just heard a murder, or what. It got really quiet next door which only made things even scarier because I was already thinking something bad just happened. The police come over obviously, and I didn't even want to look out my window at this point but I glanced out once I saw the cops flashlights coming through my window every once in a while. All I could see was one cop looking near the fences behind the complex, I didn't see any body or anything gladly so I still wasn't sure what had happened. About 10-15 minutes go by and then I see some flashes of light outside the window, which were the officers taking pictures of the scene. A couple minutes later I hear a plastic bag fiddling around, and I'm thinking, "oh great a body bag", and my first thought of what had happened was true. Apparently not though, and whomever shot the gun only shot at the ground next to the other person, as a warning shot. I couldn't say who it was, I thought it might be the girl just because from the arguments it seemed like she was taunting the guy. But now I'm thinking it was just him getting so pissed off that she wouldn't calm the hell down, that he gave her a warning shot. Which kinda fits with everything because I didn't hear him at all talking to the police only her once.

Anyways, very scary to hear a gun shot like that, especially when you kinda know from the arguing that something bad is going to happen. Like I said I don't live in an area that is prone to crime, so it was a shock to hear something like this happening. Any of you got some stories like this?
/Sean "Baron" Stock


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Re: Blog 7/29/2007
« Reply #1 on: July 30, 2007, 11:14:59 am »

I assume you dropped your ass to the grass well before the report.  If sounds pass through that easily, so will lead.  Then again, if he's shooting downward, maybe that's not the best positioning.  : j

Anyway, as far as I can tell, she could press charges on him for attempted murder.  A "warning shot" should easily hold water as a death threat, which today counts as terrorism.  And if she doesn't, then she's "askin' for it."
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Re: Blog 7/29/2007
« Reply #2 on: July 30, 2007, 01:57:50 pm »

From what you've written, the woman sounds far too unstable to fire the gun without intending to kill the man in the heat of the moment.

My money is on the dude firing.


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Re: Blog 7/29/2007
« Reply #3 on: July 30, 2007, 06:02:26 pm »

Glad everyone was okay, but you should have brought out a 12 gauge, and shot some warning shots into the air. Then your other ghetto neighbors would do the same with other small arms, and it would turn into a party-like occasion with bullets blazing through the air. Everyone would relax, and then they would discuss their related firearms. The police should have brought donuts to ease the tension.
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Re: Blog 7/29/2007
« Reply #4 on: July 31, 2007, 04:19:55 am »

just be glad they werent totaly insane and fired a warning shot at the wall by where oyu were sleeping... that could have sucked hard core.

glad no bodys, or injurys out of that story haha.
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Sean [Baron]

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Re: Blog 7/29/2007
« Reply #5 on: August 01, 2007, 03:56:12 am »

Yeah I dropped to the floor, and was like Holy Shit! Pretty much didn't move for a few minutes til the police arrived.
/Sean "Baron" Stock

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Re: Blog 7/29/2007
« Reply #6 on: August 01, 2007, 04:13:20 am »

next time bust out your glock and spray the walls yelling "take that you looney sons of bitches"

make sure to take a video of your self doing that too, and post it on youtube, cause i would really want to see that haha.

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Re: Blog 7/29/2007
« Reply #7 on: August 02, 2007, 04:59:27 am »

Glad everyone was okay, but you should have brought out a 12 gauge, and shot some warning shots into the air. Then your other ghetto neighbors would do the same with other small arms, and it would turn into a party-like occasion with bullets blazing through the air. Everyone would relax, and then they would discuss their related firearms. The police should have brought donuts to ease the tension.
Hehe, that would be lovely. All the reports coming in of people getting shot all over the city from falling bullets :-p

That's pretty crazy man. I know stuff goes down like that farther north from where I live, but not really in my area. It's not as good as it used to be though...


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Re: Blog 7/29/2007
« Reply #8 on: August 12, 2007, 01:18:48 am »

crazy indeed. my city is not as violent as rio de janeiro so i'm not used to that kind of stuff. the other day i was jogging as usual and heard 3 bangs close by, like 100m away. sounded like someone hammering a wooden plank really strong, so it didn't scare me at all and i kept jogging. few seconds later a lot of police cars rushed by and helicopters and all kinds of crap.

later at home my dad (he was playing soccer like 20m away from the place too, the bullets could've easily reached him or even me) told me the police just killed a guy with 2 shots in the head. it seems that they kidnapped a cab driver and put him on the trunk. i don't know what happened to the other criminals though  :(
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Re: Blog 7/29/2007
« Reply #9 on: August 12, 2007, 10:38:20 am »

This being the UK, violence like that doesn't happen because hardly anybody has guns except the gangsters in bristol/london/other big cities. The only guns anyone is alowed to own legally, if they can prove their need, is a shotgun - but you have to prove you need it and have no criminal convictions for which this weapon may be dangeous, and you also need a license. The most violent stuff we have is the police accidentally shooting the wrong people (in 2005 they shot a brazilian tourist because he was wearing a long coat and jumped a gate in the london underground, which of course makes him a terrorist :\) but that hardly ever happens.
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Re: Blog 7/29/2007
« Reply #10 on: August 21, 2007, 06:24:03 pm »

Wow, scary dude, and i agree with the above as i live in england and its nearly impossible to own a gun illegally, even to won one legally its hard, but air rifles are similar, hell even BB guns are counted as offensive weapons in my area, don't know about other places.


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Re: Blog 7/29/2007
« Reply #11 on: August 21, 2007, 09:39:58 pm »

This being the UK, violence like that doesn't happen because hardly anybody has guns except the gangsters in bristol/london/other big cities. The only guns anyone is alowed to own legally, if they can prove their need, is a shotgun - but you have to prove you need it and have no criminal convictions for which this weapon may be dangeous, and you also need a license. The most violent stuff we have is the police accidentally shooting the wrong people (in 2005 they shot a brazilian tourist because he was wearing a long coat and jumped a gate in the london underground, which of course makes him a terrorist :\) but that hardly ever happens.
Except in the country, every farmer and his mom has a gun in the country.


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Re: Blog 7/29/2007
« Reply #12 on: August 21, 2007, 10:54:01 pm »

Except in the country, every farmer and his mom has a gun in the country.
A number of farmers do have shotguns, yes. but they don't tend to kill people.
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Re: Blog 7/29/2007
« Reply #13 on: August 21, 2007, 11:12:24 pm »

A number of farmers do have shotguns, yes. but they don't tend to kill people.

They mostly use their guns for hunting and shooting foxes that try to kill the livestock.



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Re: Blog 7/29/2007
« Reply #14 on: August 21, 2007, 11:15:58 pm »

yes, i know that :P I do live in the countryside.
Been here since Alpha 1.1... Those were the days.

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