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Author Topic: Attention Goldeneye Source Developers!!  (Read 19323 times)

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Attention Goldeneye Source Developers!!
« on: December 02, 2012, 12:08:41 am »

I think we all know the main reason why Goldeneye: Source isn't a very active mod. I can sum it up in two words. "Fucking advertise EVERYWHERE." Excuse me 3 words. I mean shit...this doesn't make sense how we finally have what we all have been waiting for but barely anyone plays it!?!?!?!?!?!?! All of us remember goldeneye on the n64 was one of the greatest games ever, Remember when we all thought it was getting a remake for XBLA and how happy everyone in the world was?!?!?! How the fuck does this mod not have a million players and if one of you retorts and says "The graphics are shit" i will find out where you live and punch you repetitively in the face everyday as soon as you wake up until you die! WE all know this game beats basically any game on the market, even in today's world. You guy seriously need to stop asking for the community to help and step your game up. I get that there are legal issues and copyright bullshit but there are ways around it. I applaud each and everyone of you who have made this game possible. You all should be proud of yourselves. Just becuase not a lot of people play this doesn't mean you can half ass your marketing skills. Don't take my criticism to harshly but honestly i don't think it  was any secret. OK RANT OVER.
« Last Edit: December 02, 2012, 12:11:08 am by terps4life90 »


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Re: Attention Goldeneye Source Developers!!
« Reply #1 on: December 02, 2012, 12:13:33 am »

I agree with you that this mod is not as big as it was intended for, but if we advertise, it could cause Activision to find us and then force us to shut down since they have the rights to James Bond games.


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Re: Attention Goldeneye Source Developers!!
« Reply #2 on: December 02, 2012, 12:18:02 am »

Fuck activision, I wish the developers in Goldeneye Source would advertise directly at activison, and hopefully they would spot it and learn a thing or two on how to make a amazing  james bond game. Far as I am concerned activison is mediocre at best compared to the developers here.

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Re: Attention Goldeneye Source Developers!!
« Reply #3 on: December 02, 2012, 01:07:26 am »

as much as i am with you Terps4life90 i agree with TriDefiance, we cant advertise
that much or Activison or MGM could shutdown the mod-its not worth it GES still
has to remain in the Batman

i can try to advertise it at Pimppad (this place in Australia-never mind) but i just dont want GES to die

on a diffrent but related topic- what if all the players are now just playing with bots instead of being online?


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Re: Attention Goldeneye Source Developers!!
« Reply #4 on: December 02, 2012, 03:07:35 am »

How about instead of telling us to do something as vaguely as possible, you give some actual ideas on how you think we can improve things. How do YOU want us to 'advertise'?

Do you want us to go to every game forum/site and spam them up? You want us to spend money and take out advertisements? give us SOME kind of clue here. Fun fact; we've taken out ads. Yep. We've (and when I say we, I'm speaking only from my actions) spent hundreds of dollars on ads(Google, and Facebook) and what has it given us? Maybe a player or two, and as you can tell from the server lists, they're not still playing.

It may seem like we don't care or aren't doing everything we can. However, when you look at our team its the same people who have been here for 5, 6, maybe even 7 years or longer. We have had fire under us and done everything we possibly could. We've been front pages of webs largest sites, been in magazines, featured in countless articles, all done by our work.

So I'm just saying to present us some ideas, and maybe you can help us drive in that direction and become a driving force WITH US. In a day and age where unless Valve picks up your mod, Source modding is dead. The fact we've been around and still have a community to this day has to show some damn hard work has been put in.

Work with us here. We need soldiers, not analysts.
All view points are of my own and not associated with the team.


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Re: Attention Goldeneye Source Developers!!
« Reply #5 on: December 02, 2012, 03:51:38 am »

The fact that a Source mod still has an active community is already a great plus, I can only recall up to five Source mods that still has an active player base, Let alone an active forum.
There are still players and you can still pick a few games, The mod isn't technically "Dead", Fact is, Almost every day I wake up, I see missed invitations on Steam to late-night sessions, I used to play the mod a lot late at night some time ago, And knowing Roadie, There are late games going on nearly every night.

We don't need a thousand players, In fact, I enjoy the small solid community we have, Those players that I've been playing with for the past years are some of the nicest folks and the most fun people to play with that I've ever met on the Internet on any gaming community and in general. Our community might not be huge, But it's fuckin' gold, I can tell that.

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Re: Attention Goldeneye Source Developers!!
« Reply #6 on: December 02, 2012, 06:00:13 am »

Goldeneye Source has been mentioned in PC Gamer a couple of times (and the free CD that comes with the magazine has said that this is one of the best ever mods ever made) and the fact that there are alot of servers full at nightime means there is still life in the mod yet

The fact that now that GES is out of Beta is an achievement in itself- most mods have never been out of beta...

there can be always- Viral Campagins like Printing out A4 Sheets with GES Logos and place them on clippboards at work, school, streets, clubs and video rent shops or even Comic Con events?

we can release short trailers on youtube, facebook.twitter and all that it doesnt even need to be the PR section of GES...fellow fans like you and i and he and she and it can do it (ala community style advertising)

if GES Developers and such are looking for new blood why not go to websites like Polycount or something to have competitions for designing charaters or maps? and possibile recruitment for new mappers, game artists or go onto youtube and find people that could do some good orchersations (though im am happy with Basstronix, Goldenzen and Sole Signal- especially tracks like flight from archangel, runway, cradle and streets)

Just some ideas i guess..just thought id try to help :)


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Re: Attention Goldeneye Source Developers!!
« Reply #7 on: December 02, 2012, 12:25:31 pm »

I think we all know the main reason why Goldeneye: Source isn't a very active mod. I can sum it up in two words. "Fucking advertise EVERYWHERE." Excuse me 3 words. I mean shit...this doesn't make sense how we finally have what we all have been waiting for but barely anyone plays it!?!?!?!?!?!?! All of us remember goldeneye on the n64 was one of the greatest games ever, Remember when we all thought it was getting a remake for XBLA and how happy everyone in the world was?!?!?! How the fuck does this mod not have a million players and if one of you retorts and says "The graphics are shit" i will find out where you live and punch you repetitively in the face everyday as soon as you wake up until you die! WE all know this game beats basically any game on the market, even in today's world. You guy seriously need to stop asking for the community to help and step your game up. I get that there are legal issues and copyright bullshit but there are ways around it. I applaud each and everyone of you who have made this game possible. You all should be proud of yourselves. Just becuase not a lot of people play this doesn't mean you can half ass your marketing skills. Don't take my criticism to harshly but honestly i don't think it  was any secret. OK RANT OVER.

Another reason for the lack of popularity is a combination of the faithful re-creation of the original Goldeneye mechanics (Invulnerability System + High Health Limit) and the dedicated hardcore players that over the years have mastered their aim, and in doing so generally tend to own new players, unfortunately many come and are scared away by these two elements, including people I have introduced.


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Re: Attention Goldeneye Source Developers!!
« Reply #8 on: December 02, 2012, 02:13:36 pm »

I always tell new comers that it takes time and practice when they play, i play almost everyday to enjoy that awesome old school feel and i wish others did too.  But to be honest i never go on amd not see anyone. Even if its 2 people that are playing a rush comes in of 7 or 8 people at once. I believe this mod is far from dead



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Re: Attention Goldeneye Source Developers!!
« Reply #9 on: December 02, 2012, 07:15:57 pm »

Exposure isn't our issue since we've been in several different media through the years.

One reason i see is that the generation of players who knows Goldeneye first hand doesn't have much time anymore because of job, family etc.
And the newer generation got corrupted by the CoD style and mechanics of beeing rewarded with gameplay advantages for long playing times.

Also the ammount of new games released is very high.

Another reason that hasn't been mentioned before is that our game doesn't cost money.
PPL are more willing to give a game a second chance if they bought it.
All the free to play titles are suffering from a huge ammount of players trying the game once and never come back again. (ok, some of this might be related to poor quality too, but not in every case)
In the end the same applies to our game.

Allthough no purchased steam game is neccessary anymore, some ppl are still not willing to use steam or even a PC for gaming, especially lots of console only gamers.
We cannot reach these ppl at all. Unfortunatly there are also lots of Goldeneye fans among them.

The next issue is Valve itself, throwing randomly bugs at their SDK that either frustrate users by crashing the game or preventing it to work correctly (server browser, invalid steam key size, etc.).

So, the question is:  What to do about it?

We sadly have to live with the Source engine issues, since switching the mod to another engine isn't an option at this advanced state.

We cannot (and never wanted to) sell the game, have it exposed officially on steam/greenlight or advertise it openly for obviouse reasons. So we're restricted to guerillia tactics.

A few ideas that come to my mind:
- more youtube videos, possibly with the help of SFM
- advertisement in other multiplayer games with custom sprays
- custom advertisement decals in maps for e.g. CSS/CS:GO/TF2 on servers of clans or admins supporting us.
- regulary posting screenshots on the steam community and invite everyone in your steam friends list to the GES groop.

All of these can be done with the help of the community.


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Re: Attention Goldeneye Source Developers!!
« Reply #10 on: December 02, 2012, 08:23:17 pm »

We don't take your criticism harshly.

However, as these threads keep coming up I find myself needing to point out that we have been a PR and viral juggernaut from 2005-07, then 2009-12.

No one can keep being relevant monthly or anything, but we have had release buzz every single time. This last time we had the least amount of buzz and still had a good successful spike in players, and still had the editor of PCgamer north america promoting us with articles and his own personal efforts, forming games and inviting people and trying to convince people to respect our work.

We have our own activist within the video game industry. Do you know how cool that is and lucrative? And yet the reality is what I said last time.

People like us like a wine tasting. They appreciate our quality, and savor it briefly the nostalgia of the taste, until they spit us out, and go back to the wines that they paid big money for. It's where they feel "safe" and socially acceptable. (like, all their friends play COD, or Minecraft, or w/e) These retail games need justifying the money spent, hence playing them to death.

We get tagged by randoms on youtube as irrelevant, and some still don't understand what we are having watched videos. And we can't really undo that. And in the mod community we are too much of a staple, been seen as too promoted (when we release always in the top 5 on moddb) to have hordes of fans sacrificing their lives for us, like a legion.

I don't know how we could value our fans more, inspire our community better, attract players that will actually stay - not just sample us.


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Re: Attention Goldeneye Source Developers!!
« Reply #11 on: December 02, 2012, 08:42:00 pm »

I mean shit...this doesn't make sense how we finally have what we all have been waiting for..

There is something to the bolded part, in a way you may not automatically think.

When you promote a mod early on, and get viral exposure and forshadow the end product, people get excited. Imagine if you were 17 or 18 and wanted to play it then the way it was "hyped" In the years you have free time, and when source is new and exciting.. only to wait 7 years for this recreation? And by this time, people who have waited 7 years for stuff like bots, the world of gaming has changed. They may want to appreciate it and us, but they've moved on, maybe to real life where they is no opportunity to play.

What my point is, is that the people who have "finally got this thing how they wanted" are deep down, over it.

People within the team have a definite crazy desire to keep loving this venture. But even inside that, there is the obvious times people fade, and become like the fan that gets over it, moves on. Even long-time devs, need to have times of coming in and out to stay balanced. We all know this. In fact, Mike [Fourtecks] is for my knowledge the only developer in GE:S that stands out as developing the entire 7 years.
« Last Edit: December 02, 2012, 08:45:20 pm by Wake[of]theBunT »


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Re: Attention Goldeneye Source Developers!!
« Reply #12 on: December 02, 2012, 09:33:23 pm »

I may not always get on with Goldeneye Source, we have our ups and downs but my love is unconditional, and you always return to the one you love.  ;)


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Re: Attention Goldeneye Source Developers!!
« Reply #13 on: December 02, 2012, 10:04:43 pm »

I got some love for you guys. expect the new unofficial goldeneye source trailer today. Got some new music in it :P.


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Re: Attention Goldeneye Source Developers!!
« Reply #14 on: December 03, 2012, 01:16:07 am »

I got some love for you guys. expect the new unofficial goldeneye source trailer today. Got some new music in it :P.

Isn't it a little late for a trailer?
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