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Second Amendment My Ass [Text Walls and Discussion]

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--- Quote from: kraid on October 28, 2012, 12:36:33 pm ---The gouverment is allowed to come to your house and check that you obey these rules.

--- End quote ---

This send chills down my spine.

I didn't realize Germany was that strict with firearms.  I like Switzerland's regulations, the best in Europe I'd say.

My dad was a self employed Gunsmith. He made good money!  Back When Bush was in office the NRA sent my dad a letter stating that if he wanted to keep his license he would have to sign off on a few documents and post a blueprint of the house stating where the gun work area was and where storage of these guns were located!  UMN NO WAY!!!  the Purpose of storing a gun for protection is Key valued at hiding it in a place where the "Kids" cant play with it and so NO one Else knows where it is.  He refused to give up that freedom in his eyes and resigned from the smith! I think that was unfortunate cause it was a job and created revenue.  I have this opinion  Guns dont kill ppl...ppl kill ppl there is no  blaming the tool of destruction  when Us "the Humans" make the choice to weild it.  just my 2 cents   I will own guns I will protect my Family from threats and I will Hunt for food.

Germany's gun rules sound very similar to Australia. Here is a good video to show the rules and regulations of Australia for gun ownership:


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