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Disney's Epic E3 Failure

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ill be the cheerleader of the team

already got ma long hairz

Goooooo0000OOOOOOO GE:S!!

<insert mtm smilie event>


--- Quote from: MetalLizard on July 31, 2007, 10:36:59 am ---That is what happens when you treat adults like small children. This might have worked over in Japan where people are more inclined to be happy and jump around, but that shit doesn't roll here in the states.

--- End quote ---
or pretty much anywhere else in the world.

By the way the "volunteer" talks, someone got up and started dancing. :-\
I was hoping that the guy in the basketball top was going to start making people get up and start dancing. That would be great.

Robert B.:
This is exactly why "God" invented 7.62 NATO Steelcore's with Mercury Shell Casings and Internal-HE Sabot's. It's unfortunate that soo many people were killed from these little pieces of technology before their intended use, but hey, shit happens.

This is as exciting and less embarrassing than going to church...


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