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GES Update 7/27/07

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I can't wait to how good you made those levels because this mod to me is like GoldenEye upgraded.

Jeron [SharpSh00tah]:
thats pretty much our goal is to make goldeneye upgraded! each level takes a while but it really depends on how big the level is, runway for example has taken me about a year O_o but i wasnt working on it for about 3 months total..

For your goal i already know all the levels from the game will be multiplayer would that also mean that all the characters will come back with some new ones.

Jeron [SharpSh00tah]:
as of now, we are just doing all the major characters. Come our final release, dont be surprised to have many models to choose from

I won't i'm just surprised how good it all together looks.


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