Runway has been a map long in development by Sharpshootah, and you can see why. There are combined elements of the Goldeneye 64 counterpart, the Goldeneye Movie, and even some new areas that have yet to be explored by you, the player. Sharpshootah is using his creative impulse to expand on these areas in order to better suit the map's gameplay in a multiplayer environment by making it larger with more indoor environments to take cover in and to make it much more dynamic than the Goldeneye 64 version which wasn't as suitable for multiplayer gameplay.

Looking out at the runway, you can see a lot of the elements from the goldeneye 64 level but taken to the next step in terms of detail, with the addition of fog.

This screenshot is looking back at the facility with some other familiar locales in sight.

As mentioned earlier, here is one of the new additions to the runway. On the opposing sides of the runway, there were buildings, and in this GE:S rendition you can go inside of them as they link to various other places around the map. This runway mixes both the outdoor and indoor elements and molds them into one.
And there you have it, another fine addition to the Goldeneye Source map lineup. But wait, there's one more thing to show!

Here we have a familiar model that is appropriate to mention alongside runway, the Porter Plane as seen in the map. With this baby you can defy gravity, catch it in mid-air while diving off a mountain, fly away--oh wait. Nevermind that, this is one amazing lookin' model by KonradBeerbaum.
On the next weekly update - the 'other' character that wasn't in the Goldeneye 64 single player meets the source engine.