Hello everyone!
I've been working the past week on a recreation of dm_codex from Unreal Tournament from scratch.
For those who are unfamiliar with UT99, this is a medium-scale deathmatch map, often used in 1v1 matches.
At first, I was using UnrealEditor to recreate the exact same scale as in UT, but it turned out to be waaaaay too small for GE:S, so I ended up using UnrealEd only for reference purposes and enlarged the scale of the map for it to be able to accompany a fair amount of players and to fit GE:S since UT has, of course, way different game mechanics.
Although the map is still in development, since I just finished up the main geometry of the level an hour ago, I decided to give you guys a sneak peak of what will be coming towards you guys in a very near future. I'll be working on lighting and secondary geometry next.
This is ONLY to demonstrate the layout of the level, lighting will come in laterBiorifle spot ;
Hallway under Biorifle ;
Center of the map ;
Flak Cannon spot
Stairway beneath Flak Cannon
Ripper stairway
Sniper Rifle's spot
Top (Rocket Launcher)
Large room with the armor
Same room, from downstairs
Here's a quick video if the screenshots aren't enough for ya'.
(You can see through water since lighting was not built yet. Don't mind that.)
I should complete the entirety of the map within the next 7 days if everything is fine and dandy.