Debriefing > Off-Topic Lounge
Hello everyone. Yes, I'm new here.
Mark [lodle]:
The main tools that i use for source modding are:
Visual studio 2003 (can get 2005 for free as well) for all coding related stuff
3dsmax for modeling stuff
hammer (valve tool) for making maps
photoshop for image editing (with vtf plugin)
vtfedit for quick viewing image files
gfcscape for looking at valves files
Um and thats basically it.
novax druid:
Thank you for your advice. Are most of these programs free or is there a price I will have to pay? Also, is Zbrush 3D any good for modeling stuff (I have heard it is a good program as well, but I'm unsure of the credibility)? I apologize if these questions annoy you. I am a noob.
Mark [lodle]:
Visual studio 2003
Are all commercial programs but i get most of them from uni (special licensing agreement). But there are many free programs (except for visual studio you can get the 2005 express edition) that will do the same thing. Best place to look is on the valve wiki as it should state what programs have exporters for source. Also ask on the steam forums because im one out of many mod devs and every one uses something diffrent.
All the others are free (google them)
novax druid:
I thank you very much for all the information. It is much appreciated. My last question for tonight. I am thinking of producing/creating a mod of my own. Would you be interested in helping me out any with it (of course, when you are not busy with your own mod and other things)?
Mark [lodle]:
Well i cant i got to much on my plate as is.
Atm there is a big lack of good coders and animators willing to work on mods. So good luck finding people.
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