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Author Topic: Noticeable bugs  (Read 6874 times)

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Noticeable bugs
« on: August 02, 2012, 02:03:38 pm »

I'm not sure if the new facelift of Bond looks like Pierce Brosnan whatsoever, maybe the hair but...:
However there was a point in the Beta where where he did resemble him much more:

2nd bug is that when playing as any character, you always have Bond's hands, e.g. May Day has white hands :o 
This is in the must fix list IMO.
Others include:
No tip about long jumping.
Animation for long jumping not smooth (Ctrl + Space bar)
Sometimes the Crosshair appears on the left ( (don't know how to replicate...)
Not enough Polish forms for the tips, in Polish 'Radar' alters to 'Radarze' when 'about' is before it, it shows 'Radarze' when you die because of it, I suggest make it like with the English 'a' and 'an' and put there the Polish forms like 'Radarze'.

Missing translations:
Weapon Sets, Spectator (under Join Game), Don't show this help again, Play

I will add more if I find.
« Last Edit: August 05, 2012, 02:37:33 am by Filipianosol »


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Re: v4.1 noticeable oddities
« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2012, 02:18:13 pm »

Bonds face is pretty trademarked. Can't have him look too much like the real thing.

Hands are just another need more man power to adopt. Resources are spent elsewhere.
All view points are of my own and not associated with the team.


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Re: v4.1 noticeable oddities
« Reply #2 on: August 02, 2012, 02:51:02 pm »

Remember, Bond didn't exactly look like Brosnan in GE64, too.
Also hands were the same in Multiplayer for every character.

So you could say we're true to the original with these things.

Rather think of this as the essence of what James Bond looks like, not only a certain actor.
And it could be far worse, he could look like Craig. ;-)

Same for the rest of the characters, you recognize who they are, but they are not 1:1 copies of the actors who played them.
Still better then the GE Remake where the characters were not even close to the originals.

Hands are also a more complicated task then you'd imagine.
Not only that we'll need to add different hand models for each character (they also differe in clothes), but also there are certain things like the Bond Watch used for detonating mines, that needs to be considered.

Would it even be plausible that every character has the same watch (well... maybe they come bundled with the remote mines), or should all characters beside Bond use other detonators?

As you can see many things to considder and i only scratched the surface, there are much more things that can be an issue e.g. animation, different arm sizes (male, female, clothes).

But i ensure you, if we do different hands at some point, it'll be done right.

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Re: v4.1 noticeable oddities
« Reply #3 on: August 03, 2012, 12:00:13 am »

would it hurt add a dark shade of hair for the model he looks a bit silver while playing...


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Re: v4.1 noticeable oddities
« Reply #4 on: August 03, 2012, 12:05:24 am »

too late

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Re: v4.1 noticeable oddities
« Reply #5 on: August 03, 2012, 12:50:47 am »

ah well there is always the future bonds like Jungle, Stealth, Winter and Tuxedo...and Roger Moore Disco Pink
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