Debriefing > Join Us
Game mode programmer (cont'd)
In March of 2012, I applied as a game mode programmer. My trial was to revamp Gun Game. At the time, I did not finish this because more important things took precedence in my life. A few months went by, and I saw 4.2 was going to be released. I decided to finish my trial so the mod could have a better version of gun game. The results of my work was Arsenal. After this, I redid TDM. The results of this were TDM v2. Both of these have been included in 4.2.
I want to be part of the team so I can receive feedback from the members, and help test the latest game modes. I have also done Agent Under Fire and TurboDM. I have spent hours at my computer coding game modes so the mod can grow. This is just the beginning of my work. I can do much more.
As i can see you allready rewrote parts of your post, so i guess you noticed on your own that some of it was a little... let's say expressed in a wrong manner.
So my post which aimed more or less directly on that had to be edited, too.
I thought being a part of the team was granted when the dev's saw the potential of the person, not when asked to be apart of them?
--- Quote from: kraid on July 29, 2012, 11:48:12 am ---As i can see you allready rewrote parts of your post, so i guess you noticed on your own that some of it was a little... let's say expressed in a wrong manner.
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Cy sent me a private message and I agreed to fix it. I was angry when I wrote that. I'm still angry with what's going on as I should be included in the testing process, I should be the one approving or disapproving the changes and improvements, and I should be able to read feedback from the team! If my work is liked enough to be included in 4.2, then I should be instated as a developer. I've made changes to my game modes, and I'm sure they aren't even included the latest build. I won't be making anymore game modes if this is the way the community wants to treat me.
--- Quote from: TriDefiance on July 29, 2012, 08:13:45 pm ---I thought being a part of the team was granted when the dev's saw the potential of the person, not when asked to be apart of them?
--- End quote ---
Uh no, that's beta tester. Why do you think there's a Join Us subforum?
My issue is, you are angry in the first place to need to be told to change your words to represent yourself better.
Or in essence fake who you are. The natural reaction for you was to whinge on the forum (for what is the most serious post you could make) about how you believe you are being treated poorly.
And you cite poor professionalism to me in a PM about another matter, and then 24 hours later cy has to prompt you to watch how you appear in what is meant to be a professional display.
Bottom line. You are not supposed to be "angry about whats going on", and I feel you are violating professionalism by leveraging a "victim" stance that may appeal to fans of this mod, but do no favors with development branch.
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