Editing and Customization > Community Releases
[Gameplay] Arsenal
I made a quick change to this as I found that the stopper I had in place to end the match if the round number exceeded the round limit was out of place.
The first post has been updated with a new 4.2 version. This is the latest version KM sent me with some improvements.
Cut off problem when pressing voodoo:
I don't know how to fix this one. I think it's a problem with 4.2.
I've added a message and a sound to alert all of the players when someone has reached the final weapon. This will let everyone know that he's about to win the game and everyone's focus should be reducing his level so he will not win the game.
There's something really wrong with the popup box.
--- Code: ---
GEUtil.PopupMessage( player, "Arsenal", "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" )
--- End code ---
I can't fix this.
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