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[Gameplay] Arsenal

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At the start of the round, every player will be given a level 1 weapon. In order to level up to the next weapon in the arsenal, score a kill. Knife and slapper kills steal a level from a level 2 or higher victim. Slapper kills reward the killer with full body armor. The first player to score a kill with the final weapon wins the round.

Say Commands

Press your voodoo key (G) to print the arsenal.


Gun Game - Killer Monkey and Lodle


Removed since this game mode is included with GE:S 4.2.3.

I have discovered two bugs with this game mode dealing with the weapons arsenal.

1. Started default weapons, random weapons, default weapons, random weapons, default weapons (stays random).
2. Starting off with random weapons, changing game modes, and going back to Arsenal, the weapons are still randomized because the game remembers the old list.

These bugs have been fixed.

I have updated the download link.

I thought I had the above problems fixed, but turned out there was another problem with a global variable.  Everything has been corrected now and once again the download link has been updated.

The ability to use Non-DM has been removed due to the fact that no one likes it.  Also the !level command has been removed due to redundancy pointed out by E-S.

Due to a rant about the word "Arsenal" I got from I8PP and it being redundant, I have made a change.


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