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GES Update 07/03/12 Cracked Article and Release Date!

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There is no date currently. Last couple releases have been iffy due to valve changing things same time. Might seem odd,  but we're playing it cautious.


--- Quote from: major on July 20, 2012, 04:51:05 am ---There is no date currently. Last couple releases have been iffy due to valve changing things same time. Might seem odd,  but we're playing it cautious.

--- End quote ---

No problem!

I just wanted to give my support post-release ...

Spent the last week screaming at the new network I haven't been able to set up :(

I'm gunna keep trying to get on - Don't stop the goodness.

We are still sticking to our word of waiting one week with a fix to see if other mods operate with the convar addition or if that is broken again by valve. As we never know.

Also since we had an external hold up we prompted a slight internal one and that could see us being a week or longer. Again as Major said, there is now no concrete release date. We understand everyone is eager, but at the end of the day take into account how our refinements will be better for your 4.2 experience anyway! Perhaps 120%, perhaps more.

Patience is a virtue that rewards greatly, I personally don't mind waiting a few more weeks for a stable release, It'll be worth it in the end!


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