Editing and Customization > Community Releases
GES based cs_office
I don't know if this guy asked for permission to use these textures, but he gave you guys the credit. Lots of credit :P. It ended looking pretty cool.
Here's the FPSB Link.
What do you guys think of it?
fix the link to that, and wow, that first 'render' screenshot looks like ass
Link fixed. And it looks like ass.
Not even sure why any of those textures got released with GES non of them are used in any levels and are old and outdated. Still it's always nice to see people getting into modding and if he has a love for GES maybe he can make a user made map one day.
Konrad Beerbaum:
Yea the textures aren't that great, but the overall look and feel isn't too shabby.
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