*holds back all comments regarding the game because it might just fucking blow our heads off* all the haters gonna hate
2012 would be sexy 
Im not a "hater". My professional opinion is these guys are empty shirts. It should be that only a perfect game will ever justify for anyone this negligent run of poor PR history vs. community they enjoy.
Seriously last I checked they had 5000 active forum members who have been waiting 4 years now and they've received nothing. There is a point where they become just sad for continuing to reward it. That point isn't in the future... it was at 2010 when the supposed release was a sure thing.

edit: This feels like an internal decision was made to go on or not based on how many people still care about them. Id say their numbers of faithful are down. It's likely nothing to do with the media, but measuring their time (which could be much more strained at this point and as failure drags on) vs who cares.
What a team!
Developer quoteWhy are there no official updates?Quote:
Originally Posted by Raminator
That's the thing, we've already tried all of this, and it got us nowhere. We tried doing frequent news updates; people complained. We tried doing large new updates; people complained. We tried setting up a devblog; people complained. We tried releasing video trailers; people complained. We tried setting up a YouTube channel; people complained. We tried setting up a Twitter account; people complained. Do you see where this is going?
No matter what we do, people are going to complain, so it makes the most sense to do nothing. We can't keep everyone happy, and it's a waste of development time to even try, especially at this late stage. We have more important things to do.
Like getting a PR representative to do these things is hard in any way or hurts development one bit? And to speak about complaints as if they didn't deserve them is silly.