hey guys,
New member! so first of all Hi all!

Secondly, I just want to say 'great work you guys are doing!' It's great to see Goldeneye getting the attention it deserves but also treated so well!!. It really succeeds in bringing back those fond N64 memories! So, keep up the very good work guys!

That said, on topic..
A game with amazing graphics does NOT necesarily make for a good game!
Having played both Crysis 1 and 2, while I enjoyed both games (2 more so), neither beats my experience of Half-Life 2 in my opinion. They wipe the floor with it in terms of graphics of course they do but graphics are only noticed and cared about while you're playing, they don't leave you with lingering fond memories of what you've just experienced.
Let's not forget the reason THIS mod exists in the first place is because we've all presumably spent countless hours of our childhood playing Goldeneye on the N64. I'd hardly call Goldeneye64 a graphical beast! But that didnt stop it being fun.
I'd argue Source already is making Goldeneye look amazing compared to where it originated from graphically!
The major issue with switching to a powerhouse engine such as CE3 is you need your users to have equally powerhouse machines just to run the thing!
Source may be old but it runs like butter! One thing i can rely on is ANY Source game will run on my machine!
lol not that I couldnt run Crysis 2 but, you notice the speed difference when you switch...source flies!
I played CS:S and it ran so fast and the action was so frenetic, after coming back from these 'modern games', it took me kinda by surprise.
Goldeneye multiplayer should be equaly fast and ferenetic because thats what it was like back in the day. If that experience starst to slow down in anyway performance wise, I feel that would do more harm than good for this mod.
The thing I really like about Source is how its been able to adapt over its long run. You only need to compare the graphics of CS:S to L4D2 or Portal 2 and those latter games almost look like they're running on new engines! But it's still source, just upgraded.
It seems nicely versatile too.
Games like TF2, The Ship and Bloody Good Time show a nice cartoony side to the same engine.
Also, when it comes to map making, speaking as a fellow mapper with experience in both the UDK and Hammer, if you asked me which id rather map in for a project, hands down....Hammer.
Don't get me wrong, UDK is an amazing piece of kit!! Capability wise, it's miles ahead of hammer, but theres a comfortable simplicity to Hammer. You know where you are with it! When you use hammer, it's like a 'trusty friend'...I tell it what i want it to do, and it does it for me.
UDK, you almost need a PhD just to navigate the 3D window!! Let alone make a cube!
Thats not to say however its not within the capabilities of some talented UDK mapper but its a lot of work for, in my opinion, a practically worthless gain.
Goldeneye to me is not the best candidate for 'super fancy photo' graphics considering the whole POINT of this mod is to create some semblance of a true-to-the-original remake, which had highly polygonal models and blocky faces.
Goldeneye where the world is hyper real just woudlnt feel the same to me and its that 'feeling' that is all important here! Nostalgia and all that!
Summed up, basically, game play/ fun > hyper realistic graphics.
if you want realistic graphics, look at a photo, or better yet, GO OUTSIDE! lol :p
Life in all its photo-realistic glory lie just beyond your front door.
Why do we feel this strange need to stare and drool over a 'amazing waterfall' in a game like its something weve never seen in our lives before?
Can we get back to playing games for FUN again now?