OK but how do you manually connect via IP (sorry I'm new to this)
That's no problem, All of us has been new one day.
There are two ways to manually connect to an IP
The first one would be to go in your server browser, Click the favorites tab, Either click on the "Add A Server" button at the bottom or right-click in the server browser and click "Add Server By IP Adress", Then enter the IP and click "Find games to this adress", Once you see the server, Double-click to join it, Or add it to your favorites.
Use the following method only if the Steam server browser goes nuts, As usual.
The second one is the command "connect" in the console (Without quotes)
You must first activate the console by going in your in-game options -> Keyboard -> Advanced -> Check "Enable Developer Console"
Press ` or ~ to open up the console (The key right before 1 on your keyboard)
enter in the console the following WITHOUT quotes "connect IP Adress"
Hope that helped.