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Application for PR position.

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So as PR, what do you think should happen here Wake?

Rick Astley:
well i would love to see more Goldeneye Source  videos apart from the video that CsSaint made with the zero gravity ourumovs and tanks there hasnt been a video since the gameplay vid of V4.1 which was made over a year ago...

i know the team is extremely busy but 2 Development updates ago they said that there were rumours of a video circling...i would love to join the team as a trailer maker but i still need a lot of pratice as i use windows movie maker....

i do enjoy the regular facebook updates (thanks Major :)

Unfortunately, with the loss of Megaupload and my downloads section, I fear my channel won't be as popular any more although the videos have had a lot of views now, but I will stick with the Goldeneye Source playlist anyway, I would be happy to feature any new trailers if you create them. At some point I will put everything back on my channel, but there's no point doing any uploading at the moment until everything settles down.

Sam Colt:
So what's the good word?

I say, give the poor fellow a chance.


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