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Application for PR position.
Sam Colt:
I'm going to throw my hat into the ring for applying for this position, I would be very interested in join the Goldeneye: Source team in a public relations capacity. Competition does, after all, drive innovation.
You know me as Sam Colt, but my real name is Julian Weiss, and I've been active in this community for several years now, since Beta 3 I believe. I'm 24 years old and a recent college graduate. The job market being as it I'm not able to move right into a career, and instead work two part time jobs at the opposite ends of the day. In consequence I have a large block of time everyday in which I can be productive.
There are several assets I can bring to the Goldeneye: Source team, and the strongest is my writing. I've been writing for half a decade now, and although I'll be the first to admit that I do not have much journalism experience, unless you count a highschool journalism class, my abilities to write are strong. In proof of this I'm submitting, as an attachment at the bottom of this post, a short story, and two sonnets I have written. More stories and an analytical are available if requested.
The second asset I bring is that I do have some limited experience in creating and polishing videos. They've all been AMV's (don't shoot me). I do not currently have the technology to make and produce videos for Goldeneye: Source, but I can acquire them for one easy payment of $39.99, which I am willing to do. Links to the AMV's I have made are included below this paragraph. A note on the third video: This is not hosted on my youtube account, and I created it in late 2001 or early 2002. I thought it lost until it surfaced on youtube 5 years ago (originally submitted to My apologies for the sometimes spotty video quality, I'm working with Windows Movie Maker at this time.
The last asset I can bring I have already brought once, and that is exposure at PAX East. Last year I handed out roughly 250 Goldeneye: Source business cards to gamers and spoke to dozens of news media outlets ranging from blogs to Adam Sessler of G4's X-Play.
Thank you for your consideration,
Julian Weiss
a/k/a Sam Colt [1138]
At the very least, we need to work with you to coordinate the PR arm at PAX East, since you are so gracious to help already!
I like your stories, btw
Sam Colt:
At the least, I agree.
And thank you. I believe I can bring these skills over to journalism easily enough.
You sly dog you!
Sam Colt:
Here are some limited thoughts on what I feel would be the correct course of action to take in promoting Goldeneye: Source. I can expand and enumerate.
I. Social Media. We need a proactive social media campaign. Although our social media capacity exists, it is not fully functioning, and we're losing a lot of potential coverage. This is how I propose we go about remedying this problem.
II. Indirect social media sites, such as Reddit, 4chan, Tumblr, and 9gag need to be mined for their potential.
III. Press releases. As stated in numerous topics.
IV. Gaming, comic and anime conventions are prime areas for pounding the pavement to get the word out. Unfortunately this cannot be covered by one person, but considering that we have die hard members of the community, and devs, in major US urban centers, and across the world, we can really beef up our presence at these events.
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