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Author Topic: Public Relations  (Read 40698 times)

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Re: Public Relations
« Reply #30 on: January 20, 2012, 11:54:19 am »

A what?

you dont know what a scanner is? you know a sort of device usually part of a printer that can scan a4 scans the documents and converts them to JPEG which you can then print off....
but yeah follow JcFerggy's advice like what Emilia says

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Re: Public Relations
« Reply #31 on: January 20, 2012, 01:21:55 pm »

haha, the oldies cling to their chairs. but I have to admit, it's too early for you. but I like your interest for the mod. my best advice for you: stay tuned, be around here, post the shit out of you. you´re a human being with many unfulfilled thoughts and ideas. maybe they will disagree, maybe they show hatred, maybe they show golden guns, but maybe someday you can start bringing the coffee
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Re: Public Relations
« Reply #32 on: January 20, 2012, 01:55:40 pm »

I like the interest this kid shows. I was 17 when I joined this mod, but that was way back in 2005 and musicians for mods were a rarity at the time. I lucked out. I'm afraid we have our PR very well handled; after all, we've been in PC gamer and a few other big gaming magazines.


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Re: Public Relations
« Reply #33 on: January 20, 2012, 06:01:10 pm »

Well said.

Listen kid, at the end of the day we're only interested in bringing on people who can contribute something to the team, as far as PR goes we already have a very talented person who writes our stuff and has the skills and dedication needed to fulfil his role. You simply don't have what we're looking for.

Also your age is a factor, I'm not going to lie about it. Not because we're against letting younger people join but it's fair to say that the team is mostly comprised of people in their late teens, twenties and thirties. I think honestly someone so young would probably have a hard time fitting in. Granted, we were all your age at some point and it's good that you're enthusiastic about the mod and want to get involved, but jumping straight into an creating an application without any experience or skills to bring to the table isn't the way to go.

What I'd suggest is if you're interested in getting involved with our mod then get stick around, get involved in the community and play the mod. If you're just interested in a position on a mod team then there are plenty of mods who are always looking for people.

Anyway this is just my opinion, I can't speak for everybody but I don't think it would be healthy to see this thread go on much longer.
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Re: Public Relations
« Reply #34 on: January 20, 2012, 08:18:39 pm »

Love the enthusiasm. However you have one of the handful of needed factors. Stick around your a good dude. Pick up a couple more skills like Photoshop, Maybe some light video editing. Then you can build a strong application and show off your skills.

I joined when I was 16-17, but wasn't such a ambitious role, but good on you for trying.
All view points are of my own and not associated with the team.

Jeron [SharpSh00tah]

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Re: Public Relations
« Reply #35 on: January 20, 2012, 10:45:39 pm »

I was 15 when i joined as well. However, the entire team was alot younger then. Now we all have grown up a bit, and have stayed close.

Learn Photoshop! Learn to have all your thoughts in a single post. Learn how this team operates, and who is in control of what. Stick around, you never know what could happen. But as of now, Ill put an end to this thread and say that your not ready at the current moment.

Side note; This team started when most of us where around the age of 15-20, that was, 6 years ago (for me). However, the core group of developers stuck together, and now 6 years later, all of our work has improved, exponentially .
« Last Edit: January 20, 2012, 10:47:41 pm by Jeron [SharpSh00tah] »

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Re: Public Relations
« Reply #36 on: January 21, 2012, 06:23:28 am »

you dont know what a scanner is? you know a sort of device usually part of a printer that can scan a4 scans the documents and converts them to JPEG which you can then print off....
but yeah follow JcFerggy's advice like what Emilia says

No offense to the op, but I cant stop laughing at this post!


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Re: Public Relations
« Reply #37 on: January 21, 2012, 06:47:02 am »

We are aware the role as listed asks a lot and that is precisely because WE provide adequately between us, the duties it holds. The issue is it is usually one person's role in some of the more fortunate mods ;)

Do as others before you that were premature in applying and get involved day to day on our forums, while using some spare hours to work on the position' fields. And slowly surely within a couple months and with a more promising application I wouldn't mind training you to be at our level of professionalism.

Speaking realistically we already have a better and more connected video editor than we could get on the open market - speaking of Xanatos (who came back)

So..the position free is just to write and format the PR and be dedicated (with periodical new ideas to keep things fresh), as well as co-ordinate with Major on the community outreach side - as I'm getting close to 30, and would prefer soonish to oversee the PR department.


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Re: Public Relations
« Reply #38 on: January 21, 2012, 09:09:36 am »

So..the position free is just to write and format the PR and be dedicated (with periodical new ideas to keep things fresh), as well as co-ordinate with Major on the community outreach side - as I'm getting close to 30, and would prefer soonish to oversee the PR department.

This is very tempting...
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Rick Astley

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Re: Public Relations
« Reply #39 on: January 21, 2012, 09:23:27 am »

No offense to the op, but I cant stop laughing at this post!

sorry i meant Desktop scanner that optically scans images, printed text, handwriting, or an object, and converts it to a digital image...satisfied?
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