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Author Topic: Is it just me or are some players cheaters?  (Read 14903 times)

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Is it just me or are some players cheaters?
« on: January 04, 2012, 01:03:39 am »

Now, I'm usually not the type to call out H4X (and don't worry, never said it in-game of course). But some players seem unreal in defense and offense. I know headshots increase damage, and that's what I do of course, yet with some players... For example, DD44 vs DD44, I manage to unleash a full clip aimed at my opponent's head (using the crosshair), blood gushes out proving I indeed hit everytime, then my opponent shoots me while I'm reloading and kills me in 2 shots. How? Even Body Armor doesn't explain that as in that case I should need 4 shots. Or another example: a player runs right next to the wall where my Proximity Mine is, yet survives the explosion. If I do the same, with full health, Body Armor equipped and even further away from the wall, I die instantly! which shows it's more than potential misplays on my side (but it's not as if I'm new to shooters: I play lots of them, for years already).

And it are always the same players. The other players? With them everything happens normally!

My ping isn't anything unusual: usually between 100-130 which is at the high end, but it shouldn't cause such problems already. At the other hand however, I AM sometimes hit by a player who isn't shown, and I once even got hit through a door as if my opponent had already opened it (no window).

So, what I'm wondering is: CAN I be right there are cheaters (ignoring whether I was right about those specific instances or not)? Or do cheats not even exist for this game and therefore it must be something else?


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Re: Is it just me or are some players cheaters?
« Reply #1 on: January 04, 2012, 02:30:36 am »

GoldenEye: Source and 64 employ an invulnerability period, where once the player is shot, if they are shot immediately after, it will not register the damage.

If you are blast the hell out of someone, only a number of those shots will register.
You would be dying in two shots, because the player has placed two well timed shots into your head.

This is also the reason why a player could run through an explosion and survive, as they would have just been shot and the invuln period is active.

Also, a number of weapons can shoot through doors, such as the AR33 and RCP90.

The invuln period is what makes GoldenEye a very different game to others, and one that takes a bit of time for most players to get their head around.
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Re: Is it just me or are some players cheaters?
« Reply #2 on: January 04, 2012, 02:54:33 am »

Even then, it's as if the invuln period constantly resets itself when shooting players with non-automatic guns. Is that intended behavior?

Anyway, thanks for the reply, suppose I'll keep it to short bursts from now on (except in insta-gib).

One unrelated question: I just looked up about the invulnerability period, and saw about rolling explosions. I of course played Goldeneye in the past (many years ago and only at others though, never had a Nintendo 64) where explosions indeed remain for a little while and constantly damaged you. I saw this pic attached:
The thing is: that's not how I see explosions. I see a really short and barely noticable explosion (nothing like in that pic), and then just smoke. This has made me walk into explosions multiple times, because either the smoke was unnoticable (dark area) or I simply thought the explosion had ended. How do I enable rolling explosions? Note: the 2 disable options are unchecked.


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Re: Is it just me or are some players cheaters?
« Reply #3 on: January 04, 2012, 03:12:47 am »

The invuln period will be active whenever damage is registered.

As for the explosions, I am not sure about that one.
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Re: Is it just me or are some players cheaters?
« Reply #4 on: January 04, 2012, 03:42:26 am »

OK, now I'm certain there are health hacks out there. Some guy survived 3 rocket launcher blasts from really close with multiple seconds in between each time (no body armor near), AND 2 Shotgun blasts (in this case the second Shotgun blast might've been a little too fast though as I'm still figuring out the sweet spot of course, but still: 3 rocket launcher blasts alone should've been enough already). Even when he got ganged up on he still won easily. And he wasn't particularly skilled or anything: he was easy to hit and missed alot. In the end, he had almost 20 kills with 0 deaths.


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Re: Is it just me or are some players cheaters?
« Reply #5 on: January 04, 2012, 03:43:10 am »

What are your PC specs? Specifically graphics card quality.

Also, seeing blood does not "proof" that you made a hit. Blood is shown client side without server verification to prevent unnatural delays in the blood from appearing. Sometimes blood will show when the server rejects the hit.
« Last Edit: January 04, 2012, 03:44:58 am by killermonkey »


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Re: Is it just me or are some players cheaters?
« Reply #6 on: January 04, 2012, 04:22:06 am »


AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 6000+
3.01 GHz
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OST: Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit
Videocard: AMD Radeon HD 6670

Oh, and might as well write down what Speedtest says:
Download: 40.03 Mbps
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Re: Is it just me or are some players cheaters?
« Reply #7 on: January 04, 2012, 10:11:19 am »

This may very well sound like a dumb question, but which version are you playing? I'm asking because of the rolling explosions thing you mentioned. I play on the lowest settings and the rolling explosions appear clearly so it's not a graphics problem. What you describe as an explosion sounds like what we saw before the rolling explosions were introduced (they were introduced in Beta 4 so anything prior to that still has the old ones).

Also, don't automatically assume the others are cheating without having proof. You are new to the game and, as it seems, you were unaware of some features that made it look like people were cheating when they were not. I'm not admonishing you or anything; it's just that I've seen so many people jump on the "cheat!" bandwagon so fast they don't bother to see if it's true or not.
« Last Edit: January 04, 2012, 10:28:45 am by PPK »


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Re: Is it just me or are some players cheaters?
« Reply #8 on: January 04, 2012, 07:15:10 pm »

Well, it wasn't until that last time I'm certain. I know a rocket launcher blast from really close doesn't kill yet, it has to be a direct hit to accomplish that, but when you triple that, things are different. Especially when you also include a Shotgun blast that same life, and that he managed to never die despite multiple players trying to take him down and failing each and every time without him being particularly skilled.

I'm playing the version the homepage said was the newest and out of beta: 4.1. There weren't other versions shown (until I actually looked for older news)
« Last Edit: January 04, 2012, 07:38:43 pm by GamerXYZ »


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Re: Is it just me or are some players cheaters?
« Reply #9 on: January 04, 2012, 07:39:40 pm »

A lot of new players often jump to conclusions about cheating. Almost every time it's a case of them not knowing the intricacies of the game. GE:S has a big learning curve, and a lot of mechanics that aren't immediately observable.

The damage system isn't realistic, for one. It's possible for a player to survive multiple headshots if you are shooting them with a weak weapon and they have armor. On top of that lag can cause false-positive visual feedback such as blood as mentioned above. Also the invulnerabilty system makes automatic weapons much less effective, as also mentioned.

I recommend you get to grips more with the game first. Learn which weapons are more effective than others.

As for genuine cheaters they are few and far between in this community.. There have been some in the past but they don't last long around here. If VAC doesn't get them then server admins generally do. Once you're banned on the populated (administrated) servers there's very little to stay around here for.
« Last Edit: January 04, 2012, 07:41:22 pm by Mangley »
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Re: Is it just me or are some players cheaters?
« Reply #10 on: January 04, 2012, 09:51:51 pm »

I'm playing the version the homepage said was the newest and out of beta: 4.1. There weren't other versions shown (until I actually looked for older news)

You have the right version then, though it wouldn't be the first time someone downloaded and older version thinking it was the latest.

Listen to what Mangley said. GE:S is not an easy game to pick up and play; it's more complex than it appears and it takes time to be good at it.


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Re: Is it just me or are some players cheaters?
« Reply #11 on: January 04, 2012, 10:09:19 pm »

That, I know. And most were indeed from misplays on my part thanks to not knowing all the mechanics. But that last player I talked about wasn't normal what he survived even with the invuln period and a hypothetical Body Armor. Unfortunately I never record stuff, but if I could have showed you a recording of that one player, you'd agree with me too (and yeah, I know that's an easy thing to say). It wasn't just 1 occurence that was fishy, it was a constant stream of occurences with that player (while with everyone else, there were 0 occurences due to the invuln period, no more).


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Re: Is it just me or are some players cheaters?
« Reply #12 on: January 05, 2012, 01:19:13 am »

If it was just one player, then so what. You'll have plenty more games where you can play balanced and fair. If you see him again, record his name and tell the server owner so they can watch him closely.


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Re: Is it just me or are some players cheaters?
« Reply #13 on: January 05, 2012, 01:46:03 am »

You also have to keep in mind the ping of the other players. For me, I am Australian and I play on our American Spectrum server, in which I get 180-200 ping. For people to shoot at me and me at them, some shots don't register damage, because on your screen, you have shot me, but on my side, I am a second ahead of you.

The ping effect isn't too bad, but it is something you have to take into consideration as well.
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Re: Is it just me or are some players cheaters?
« Reply #14 on: January 05, 2012, 01:56:29 am »

Only seen one hacker in GE:S. But like KM said, get a name and/or steam ID and let us know. We pretty much know all the very good active players, so we can tell ya if its a seasoned vet.

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Re: Is it just me or are some players cheaters?
« Reply #15 on: February 14, 2012, 05:45:36 pm »

I have seen a few hackers in my time. Even i have trouble killing noobs every now and then and i am a pretty good player.


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Re: Is it just me or are some players cheaters?
« Reply #17 on: February 14, 2012, 10:51:05 pm »

OWS days. T.T
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9:48 PM - Macc 1.666: think it's trying to tell me something
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Re: Is it just me or are some players cheaters?
« Reply #18 on: February 14, 2012, 11:14:55 pm »

I've seen one hacker. But they don't hide it.
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Re: Is it just me or are some players cheaters?
« Reply #19 on: February 15, 2012, 08:38:45 am »

I've seen one hacker. But they don't hide it.

That's because of what their aim is. If you'd be a cheater and would want to play in the ESL, you'd try to cover it up and fail on purpose sometimes, configureing aimbots to not always headshot, so you can keep a good reputation, having 'people look up to you' and most importantly get a sponsor.
Other people just plain suck and get roflstomped by almost everyone and want to be the big fish for once, which is kinda sad, but they wouldn't try to hide it, because that would imply they either needed the skill to that, which they lacked in the first place or would have play mediocre which wouldn't satisfied their urge to be (rather: feel) superior.
Last but not least there's the griefers, just cheating to piss everyone else off because it pleasures them. Of course, to do so they have to exposition their cheating, because otherwise it wouldn't be annoying enough. But eventually this will get old and they'll move on.
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