Thank guys for the responses, they all mean a lot. As time passes though, I am going to call the school district, which controls the direct deposit of my pay. Ill dispute the charges, and that should place a hold on the last check, and my newest check (depositing friday). That hopefully will get me something back.
I am just happy that I have people to speak to here. KM, I really dont see the point of calling the police. I literally cannot prove a damn thing. However, depending on what happens after I call the school district, I will then call the police. That will only happen if they do not place a hold on the funds. Unfortunately I'm only talking chump-change, in the scheme of things. Maybe, $200 bucks. But, hey, its something!
I totalled up every bill, and it is $2,895.50 ; That is 3 months of bills. My half included. But its alright, I will get things resolved in due time. I got a full-time job, with my brother now, landscaping. Its pretty cool, we work one-on-one, with each other. Sometimes we have a full crew.
Btw, I honestly respect the fact that you all are here listening to me. It means a lot. But, with that said, please don't feel bad for me lol. Shit happens, and life isn't always fair. But the way I look at things, is this is payback for all the bad that I have done? I have done my FAIR share, of bad. I am a firm believer in karma. Sean, definitely has his commin'. I will eventually look back at this and laugh, because it was 12 years waisted, over 3 grand. Its really sad, imo. Not for the fact that he dogged me like this, but, what was a pointless friendship.
Ill tell you what, this is yet another, extremely humbling experience.