Hello Guys!
I've played with a friend GE:S at christmas for about 10 Hours.
First of all: GREAT JOB! we're goldeneye players for years and we also near (a few seconds ^^) world record times in the original version. the feeling is exactly the same like playing the original game! we loved it
but we found one interesting bug:
when we play "license to kill" sometimes when i was shooting an enemy, i saw the hit, i saw the blood texture, but he was still alive. he did'nt see the blood textures. we played the game in LAN (1gbit) with different graphic settings, but we could'nt fix this problem. it's not so bad for us, cause we're loving the game, the levels, the music, the gameplay

everything fine ^^
but maybe you can check the error. if you want we can send you any protocols oder system-config from our laptops.
and i have one wish...
can you implement more original player-charakters? i loved the nataly model
but i must say you: THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU gys for this great work. go ahead, i'm intereseted in new versions
i'm planning a GE:S LAN-Party in Vienna, cause my friends and a lot of other people over facebook loved the ingame videos and the game
greetz from vienna, austria!