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Author Topic: GE:S Impressions after 10 Hours Gameplay  (Read 8284 times)

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GE:S Impressions after 10 Hours Gameplay
« on: December 27, 2011, 04:07:29 pm »

Hello Guys!

I've played with a friend GE:S at christmas for about 10 Hours.

First of all: GREAT JOB! we're goldeneye players for years and we also near (a few seconds ^^) world record times in the original version. the feeling is exactly the same like playing the original game! we loved it :-D

but we found one interesting bug:

when we play "license to kill" sometimes when i was shooting an enemy, i saw the hit, i saw the blood texture, but he was still alive. he did'nt see the blood textures. we played the game in LAN (1gbit) with different graphic settings, but we could'nt fix this problem. it's not so bad for us, cause we're loving the game, the levels, the music, the gameplay :-) everything fine ^^

but maybe you can check the error. if you want we can send you any protocols oder system-config from our laptops.

and i have one wish...

can you implement more original player-charakters? i loved the nataly model :-D

but i must say you: THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU gys for this great work. go ahead, i'm intereseted in new versions :-D
i'm planning a GE:S LAN-Party in Vienna, cause my friends and a lot of other people over facebook loved the ingame videos and the game :-)

greetz from vienna, austria!


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Re: GE:S Impressions after 10 Hours Gameplay
« Reply #1 on: December 27, 2011, 04:51:35 pm »

Hey Duveru,
glad you like the mod. Although the mod has dropped the beta tag, it isn't complete regarding content, obviously. E.g. version 4.2. will add bots and other improvements (UI) as well as at least one reworked model (Ouromov) and a reworked map.(Caverns) I tried to answer your findings in your other thread. The issue you describe has been brought up quite a few times, especially by new players and has been answered just as many times. Please try to familiarize yourself with the forums' search function and avoid opening multiple threads about the same thing. ;-)



P.S.: I'm not a Dev or mod official, just doing some translations ;-)


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Re: GE:S Impressions after 10 Hours Gameplay
« Reply #2 on: December 27, 2011, 04:58:02 pm »

okay, i'm new in the forum and check some other topics. i wnat to support this great work. a friend and myself are checking the 4.1 version of gameplay bugs to help the dev, cause were not programmers or graphic-engenieers but we played the original for years (just bought new analog sticks from USA for the dead n64 controllers ^^)

i know, this was the wrong forum, i'm reporting bugs in the right forum and check the search function ^^


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Re: GE:S Impressions after 10 Hours Gameplay
« Reply #3 on: December 27, 2011, 06:06:44 pm »

This is something we're aware of, and have been looking into for some time. Until there is an official change, use this line of thinking: Shoot someone until they fall - blood or no blood
As for new characters, that is always an ongoing process. We'll make you aware when new characters will be making an appearance  8) .
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