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Drinks on Us - Martini on the Rocks Map Pack - December 17th Media Update

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                        GoldenEye: Source Community
Community Release Section (CRS)
007 GES Street
Dated: 16-12-2011Not Top Secret
Strictly Non-Confidential – Tell EVERYONEGoldenEye Fans,

    You might be saying to yourself, “This doesn't look like an official GoldenEye: Source media release”, and you'd be absolutely correct. This is a GE:S COMMUNITY MEDIA RELEASE! It’s the second community update we've brought to you. This release will highlight, for your viewing and playing pleasure, some great new maps made by dedicated members of the GE:S community. We present to you the “Martini on the Rocks” community map pack, plus a bonus!

     Whilst working behind the scenes as a Quality Assurance Tester, CCsaint10 has taken it upon himself to increase his skill set and start mapping. He had previously worked as a community mapper for a Source mod called Dragonball: Source quite a while ago, but none of his maps ever reached a finalized state. In fact, this is his first map to ever reach release. A rather monstrous feat if you think about it.

It's been two years in the making, with much appreciated help and guidance from Mangley with learning about texture creation and the hammer editor, design tricks and techniques from Luchador (who more or less let CCsaint10 have his way with the map (much love to Luchador)) and model designs and implementation by fellow mapper/team member E-S. Hammer is a monster to wrap ones head around and these guys helped CCsaint10 finally bring this map to you today.

Map by: CCsaint10

A community that maps together, frags together! We've seen it for a while now and after taking in a lot of feedback, not only from the team but also the community (snowmen, ponds, and much more), it has been polished to its current shiny state. CCsaint10 is finally ready to unleash Siberia to the world!

This isn't your standard Surface for GoldenEye 64. It's CCsaint10’s re-imaging of the original Surface layout you remember from the N64, but tweaked/re-envisioned to keep a balanced gaming flavour, with a dash of variety of his own! Now it's your turn to play. Freeze your butt off while blasting your way to the top of the infamous Dish.

CCsaint has brought his own delightful touches to a classic GoldenEye map, that will have you coming back for more. Here is a short trailer CCsaint10 put together to give you a better understanding of map layout and what to expect. This also presents an unreleased work in progress medley of runway and surface done by our very own Basstronix. This song is unfinished and very early development. Enjoy!
Of course Siberia_CC isn't the only map we're here to highlight. “Martini on the Rocks” still has more goodness kids (it's next to the Sunny D, behind the purple stuff). Next up, we have another map some of you have been watching and anticipating on the forums for some time. Sess1on has been working on this map for what some of you might think has been forever.

Map by Ryan 'Tuna' Trahey aka Sess1on

It certainly has been a labor of love; first posted about in our forum's Custom WIP section in November 2009. Yes, that 2009. This map, similar to Siberia_CC, is also something of a zombie. Sess1on has killed and reanimated this map three or four times. Mapping is no joke, with Sess1on having completed more than a bakers dozen maps in his day. Grid has overcome death thanks in part to E-S, CCsaint10 and the rest of the Quality Assurance Team’s help in testing the shiii....bugs out of it [I see a pattern here – editor].

Taking inspiration from games like Mirror's Edge, Mass Effect, cyberpunk films and the always reliable Perfect Dark 64, Sess1on's latest creation is here for you to drool over and get your frag on.

Of course, what would any media release for GoldenEye: Source be without an indication that yes, we are actually alive and working on this mod? It may not be the typical 'official' update, but it's got all the goods. While we may have been rather silent on the publicity front, we are still working very hard to iron out bugs, test game theories and update older content to a much higher quality than ever before.

Here are a few shots from a couple of Luchador and SharpSh00tah’s current projects that they wanted you, the fans to see. Consider everything to be “Work In Progress but awesome”.

Luch is bringing new gun models to this media knife fight;

SharpSh00tah meanwhile has a shiny new version of Caverns in the works (no foolin!) and here's proof:

Siberia_CC and Grid are currently installed and ready to go on these servers as of this update:

Spectrum - Official v4.1 GE:S: LA -
[1138] -HLstatsX:CE-Custom Sets-Chicago-FUN!

Clients only need the “Client Installer” and it is very straight forward and automated. We have provided instructions in the server files to help anyone unfamiliar with merging files to their server. If you have any questions feel free to get in contact with other server admins, devs, CCsaint10, E-S, or Mangley and they will try to help you. Why are you still reading?! You've looked at the drool-worthy screens, admired Luch and Sharp’s upcoming stuff and now you're here just thumb twiddling. Get with the link-clicking already and play those maps!!

== Martini on the Rocks Map Pack ==Client Installer [Maps]  |  Server Files [Maps]


Daaaaammmmmmn! Can't wait to try these bad boys, well done.

Keep up the good work.

Caverns is looking much better now... Kudos to Sharp. He never ceases to amaze me. The weapons are looking great, as usual.

The two third-party maps look great: Grid has an interesting colour combination and I hope this new version of Siberia makes up for all the mistakes that map had in the past. You know which ones...


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