well i have to say that from what i have seen of the work in progress loading screen and the new create server menu is that it is "Streets ahead"- Basically lightyears a head of Beta 4 and 4.1
the new create server looks really polished and much more simplified than its predecessor which should help new players intergrate into goldeneye source..another thing i love about it is not having to worry about entering what weapon set i need now that i can choose from a long list- i have been stuck on slappers only for ages.
the loading screen which according to Major is very work in progress but looks incredible as the mixture of casino, cradle, complex, archives, control, facility and silo make it much more pretty than the old blue pp7 gun barrell...i agree that the hints and tips are great for new players and well it makes the game look modern next to games like COD, Arkham City and etc
from what i have seen was just the tip of the iceburg it all looks great...cant wait to see some in game action