I know you guys are focused on mainly the multiplayer right now, but I wanted to ask this before I forgot: How will we pause in single player?
I know the most obvious is to press Esc but I was looking for a way to use the Q-Watch.
With that being said, here are some ideas I brainstormed while I was bored.

Is it possible to:
1) Add the watch to Valve's standard menu (I forgot if it's hardcoded, isn't it? If it is, then nevermind)
2) Assign an unused key to pause (not actually "pause", like Tab for multiplayer since it brings up the scoreboard anyway), create animation/script of bond bringing up the watch to his face and the zoom effect, create a script to suspend the environment around him when the animation stops, and create a script to cue everything dealing with the watch (watch music, clock hands, watch interference, watch beep, option switch sounds, etc)?

Or will it be a simple pop-up like the scoreboard in multiplayer?