Global Communications > Development Media

Trent's Bio and Reflection

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Jonathon [SSL]:

--- Quote from: Proxie on December 09, 2011, 09:45:31 pm ---Doesn't Killing Floor run on one of the UT engines?

--- End quote ---

It runs on the UT 2004 engine, so it's fairly old. But GES on UE3 would be a massive step up from the now fairly ancient Source engine. Plus then we could break off from being Steam dependent (a pro or con)

I got a job at a new club that just opened this weekend. This guys are high rollers; they spent $200,000 on their lighting system. Guess who's in charge of it.

I couldn't work in a place like that.

I think its great. My job consists of listening to music and giving people seizures. All under the table too...


--- Quote from: basstronix on January 04, 2012, 07:53:41 am ---All under the table too...

--- End quote ---

Can't complain there. I miss those days when I was too young to get a check, and they were forced to pay me under the table. Now I get paid by checks, and I'll end up having to pay the government money, like last year. Being a server, and getting paid $2.13/hr SUCKS -_- Glad you got the job though, I'm sure there are a lot of people who would kill to be in your shoes.


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