Global Communications > Development Media
Trent's Bio and Reflection
Maybe I should consider writing for I think I have their style, haha
Jeron [SharpSh00tah]:
--- Quote from: Enzo.Matrix on October 21, 2011, 04:35:13 am ---I would make an epic blog, but I don't like to talk about myself.
^ Canadian
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/end offtopic (I dont want to throw this topic into the gutter)
--- Quote from: basstronix on October 21, 2011, 07:51:46 am ---but don't particularly enjoy doing.
--- End quote ---
You prove me wrong by writing such blogs, This is great.
I recently made a Facebook Page for my music. Like the shit out of me please!
So I decided to message a guy I haven't talked to in a while as a result of a sudden inspiration to be a better friend to people. I never even knew the guy all that well, but I just felt like saying hey. He owns his own beer brewery, Home of the Brave Brewery.
We shot the shit for a while. I asked him how his business was going, and he did the same. After he found out what I do... he hooked me up with an Oakenfold show here in Hawaii. His stoney friend is running the show.
Karma has a way of doing very interesting things...
Liked 8)
After I read this article, I went and listened to all of the GES music.
Because you are inspirational, like that.
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