Global Communications > Development Media

Trent's Bio and Reflection

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Yeah, it's empty right now. I's one of my many projects over the next few weeks.

I just had the most epic night. We threw a regional Burning Man party over the weekend on a private beach far away from the city. I brought my DJ equipment thinking I might have my own show in a big tent or something. I ended up throwing an hour and a half set as the sun came up. I've never felt so in tune with the crowd.

I recorded the set. I'll be posting it sometime soon.

Jeron [SharpSh00tah]:

Alright I hate to keep bringing this up, but my girlfriend is begging me to get it done. I think it would make for a pretty cool christmas present for her apartment too. But I found this link that gives a diagram of the breadboard and everything. I understand I need to use tip31 transistors instead, but that tutorial uses code that doesn't listen to any audio. Where would you plug in your sound ouput from your computer/iPod? I've been looking everywhere forever  ???

I send audio information to the arduino from a computer using software I wrote in Processing. Processing has an arduino library that lets you control output pins from a computer. Music would be playing in winamp or something and Processing is listens to your audio output. That's the easiest way :)


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