Global Communications > Development Media

Trent's Bio and Reflection

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Back to the drawing board.. ::)

I just made a realization about those spectral images. The first one looked like crap, but I realized it was because of crappy mp3 compression removing the details that weren't totally necessary. Arrrggh I think my ability to listen to anything under 320kbps just got destroyed. I think I'm officially an audiophile.

Bass I was going to say, mp3 junks out of audible range noises to aid compression.

You shouldn't be upping your MP3 bit rate for no reason. You are an engineer, start thinking like one. The maximum bit rate you should output is limited by the maximum dissernment of the human ear. To say your ear can discern 320 kilobits worth of quantization is pretty impressive. From what I have read in the past, you start to lose dissernment at 192 ish bps which is why thats the gold standard for audio.

This is the same analogy as for TV resolution. Yah you can have 4000p TV's someday, but your eye can't dissern the difference from that or 1080p from the normal viewing distance and with a 50" screen.

Also, your audio perception is extremely limited to the performance of your output device. Most speakers in the consumer market can't render the full spectrum of 320 kilobit songs anyway. All this leads up to WASTED SPACE.

Whoa thanks for the insight monkey. I still have much to learn I see :)


--- Quote from: basstronix on November 03, 2011, 04:48:34 pm ---Whoa thanks for the insight monkey. I still have much to learn I see :)

--- End quote ---

Hey bass, do you have your own personal website? You could create one!


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