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Re: GES Update 09/30/11 Programming & Ourumov Redux
« Reply #45 on: October 17, 2011, 02:22:12 pm »

Tell me you've never shot at a teammate in Team LTK.
Tell me you've never lost at chess. This is a game, not a flawless system for society.

Just three hours ago I was shooting teammates, untill I figured out I just switched teams. There is nothing wrong with that.
PS: Meanwhile, my teammates weren't getting hurt when I shot them; I was just getting my ass kicked during that half minute. And hey, that's the nature of a competetive game. CoD is not a game; it's interactive entertainment.

Overhead icons will be optional, but on by default because new players have a lot of trouble with character identification.
The problem is, that overhead icons basically scream: "I am behind this crate! Over heeeerree!!! Shoot me!"
« Last Edit: October 17, 2011, 02:33:33 pm by V!NCENT »


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Re: GES Update 09/30/11 Programming & Ourumov Redux
« Reply #46 on: October 17, 2011, 02:25:59 pm »

These changes are for the 90% of our (potential) players that need help getting into a game that is NOT Call of Duty.
Isn't this mod a recreation of a game that is praised for dislike of games, exactly like Call of Duty?

Why would anyone play GE:S if they are fan of Call of Duty? What point is there in this mod if nostalgia isn't the factor?

There are tons of GE007 fans. There is an enormous playerbase that doens't play this game because it's not finnished, not because they are playing CoD today.
« Last Edit: October 17, 2011, 05:02:07 pm by V!NCENT »


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Re: GES Update 09/30/11 Programming & Ourumov Redux
« Reply #47 on: October 17, 2011, 02:39:49 pm »

These changes are for the 90% of our (potential) players that need help getting into a game that is NOT Call of Duty.

Yes, this is NOT 007 GoldenEye: Reloaded... it's GoldenEye: Source the only one and the best one. 8)


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Re: GES Update 09/30/11 Programming & Ourumov Redux
« Reply #48 on: October 17, 2011, 03:02:25 pm »

Yes, this is NOT 007 GoldenEye: Reloaded... it's GoldenEye: Source the only one and the best one. 8)
Ah I see... the Wii version?

Seriously though, if this thing becomes a more like the Wii version than the retextured Xbox Live version then count me out on the next release; I'll just stick to the 64 again (I've already put my sister in active training mode >=) )
« Last Edit: October 17, 2011, 03:05:25 pm by V!NCENT »


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Re: GES Update 09/30/11 Programming & Ourumov Redux
« Reply #49 on: October 17, 2011, 03:12:26 pm »

Ah I see... the Wii version?

Seriously though, if this thing becomes a more like the Wii version than the retextured Xbox Live version then count me out on the next release; I'll just stick to the 64 again (I've already put my sister in active training mode >=) )

I don't think it's going to happen.

By the way it's the next gen consoles version, the Wii version was called 007 GoldenEye.


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Re: GES Update 09/30/11 Programming & Ourumov Redux
« Reply #50 on: October 17, 2011, 04:33:56 pm »

If I didn't know any better, I'd say a certain someone is sockpuppeting in this thread


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Re: GES Update 09/30/11 Programming & Ourumov Redux
« Reply #51 on: October 17, 2011, 04:58:56 pm »

I don't think it's going to happen.

By the way it's the next gen consoles version, the Wii version was called 007 GoldenEye.
That's the problem with this mod if CoD-compatibility(TM) is being baked in.

Seriously, if you're (in general) unable to play because you can't figure out the bond universe than you shouldn't be playing in the first place.

What's up with this handholding shit? I mean; free kills are welcome, but I don't want to end up doing 100-3 kill-to-death-ratio I got from playing CoD:Black Ops on someone's PS3. After laughing my ass off for two hours; I never want to play it ever again.

If I didn't know any better, I'd say a certain someone is sockpuppeting in this thread


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Re: GES Update 09/30/11 Programming & Ourumov Redux
« Reply #52 on: October 17, 2011, 06:35:27 pm »

Perhaps the overhead icons are not really necessary right now, but assuming that more characters are in the works (there are, right?) it's only going to get that much harder to remember who's who in the future.

So long as they are more like street signs and less like billboards.


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Re: GES Update 09/30/11 Programming & Ourumov Redux
« Reply #53 on: October 17, 2011, 06:53:02 pm »

CoD is an easy target to bash, if you're going to bash it bash it for a valid reason.

Valid reasons include:
- The gameplay style is overused and stale
- Lack of new gameplay elements
- Activision are whores
- All CoD games since CoD 4 are cookie-cutter replicas designed to whore as much money off of teenage boys as possible

Your reason for bashing it appears to be that it's interface is too user-friendly and intuitive?

The reasoning behind our choice to include team indicators is a no-brainer. Our #1 complaint from new players (why should they have to be familiar with the bond franchise?) is that they can't tell who is on their team. It's a solution to a problem.

Do you remember Beta 3 when you couldn't tell who had killed who because there wasn't a kill log? Well we must have already dumbed down the mod for including that feature in Beta 4, because CoD uses a kill log that works exactly the same way as ours.

Good development is all about finding solid and intuitive solutions to problems. Discarding preconcieved judgements is essential if you're going to progress and improve.
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Re: GES Update 09/30/11 Programming & Ourumov Redux
« Reply #54 on: October 17, 2011, 07:04:40 pm »

We could build a GE007 remake that would be the greatest anyone has ever seen. Problem is we're limiting our market to a small age range(only those who were playing the original). So we have a chunk of people who will find the game amazing, but when a non-GE007 gamer plays(maybe from word of mouth), he will completely hate the game as you have these couple dozen people who are amazing, and all new players will get mopped up.

These changes are only adding some small enhancements so beginners will not run away after one map, and keep playing as people are sticking around and playing, and getting better (Ala more competition). Would you rather be playing with a bunch of people(who will be in your area, so you can playing in a busy server you get good ping on). These people will be new comers and you'l get the free kills, but they will stick around and get better.

Or would like to keep playing with the couple dozen regulars(who are world wide) and have them be the only real competition you have, as the noobs stop playing.

Most all changes are toggle-able, so you could have a server who favors the noob enhancements. But there will be servers that don't like them, and play just like we originally designed. This is one reason its nice to own a server, or join a gaming group/clan. You could start a hardcore GE:S server and have none of these add-ons and control the demographic of gamers who join.

Tl:DR version:

We wanna make a game people play, it keeps motivation. We add these features so people keep playing and get better. Not to turn into a COD remake. 250,000+ downloads of v4.1 and only couple servers with activity. We asked the players where we can make our game better; these enhancements where there ideas.
All view points are of my own and not associated with the team.


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Re: GES Update 09/30/11 Programming & Ourumov Redux
« Reply #55 on: October 17, 2011, 07:26:18 pm »

CoD is an easy target to bash, if you're going to bash it bash it for a valid reason.
OK; zero gameplay. There.

You spray, people die.

Your reason for bashing it appears to be that it's interface is too user-friendly and intuitive?
No, you're targetting kiddies. That means whining SOBs all the time. If you don't get people to come only out of their own interest, you'll get shit like, where everything turns mediocre.

It's like having a game of chess against another player, who is new so he gets hint all the time and is to stupid to indentify and learn what pieces belong to who.

It means you are not creating a game out of love, but out of commerse. It's like the new Tomb Raider: Underworld, where you can now have your PDA tell you exactly how to solve the puzzles. You can ignore it, and I do, but it doesn't make your playthrough a worthwile accomplishment anymore.

This 'advancement' is what's raping tons of games. Take for example Duke Nukem Forever; it would have been a lot more interesting if the items that I was looking for were not clearly marked with glow.

why should they have to be familiar with the bond franchise?
Because then you get to play with people who share your passion. And that is fun because this is a multiplayer game. I generaly like to play with people who care.

Do you remember Beta 3 when you couldn't tell who had killed who because there wasn't a kill log? Well we must have already dumbed down the mod for including that feature in Beta 4, because CoD uses a kill log that works exactly the same way as ours.
That's a log thing. It not a "Looky, pointy mouse to man on the screen... goooood...."-thing that parents say to their 2yo kid.

Good development is all about finding solid and intuitive solutions to problems. Discarding preconcieved judgements is essential if you're going to progress and improve.
So what you're saying is put nostalgia out of the door. Great way to lose fans. It's what made all the original Counter-Strike players go away when version 1.6 came and "OMG Wh3reS DeAglE?!"-kiddos came along. Do you want that in your mod? Seriously...


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Re: GES Update 09/30/11 Programming & Ourumov Redux
« Reply #56 on: October 17, 2011, 07:53:50 pm »

We could build a GE007 remake that would be the greatest anyone has ever seen. Problem is we're limiting our market to a small age range(only those who were playing the original). So we have a chunk of people who will find the game amazing, but when a non-GE007 gamer plays(maybe from word of mouth), he will completely hate the game as you have these couple dozen people who are amazing, and all new players will get mopped up.
Do you remember the earlier days of gaming? Yes you do, because you know GoldenEye007. It was a period where generaly gamers consisted of "nerds". You know, the people that freaked out Super Mario Bros with all secrets levels. It was an age where games were better then, then they are now.

The first Zelda was great. Todays gamers cannot beat it because it's hardcore. It's a challange instead of the next couch-entertainment pile of shit.

Now this mod is currently (4.1) exactly that; oldskool, difficult, challanging. It's when you end at the top; you have accomplished something.

What you want to do is lure in these "OMG 2 difficult!" kids. That's by far not good at all because this is a multiplayer game and the people you play against set the difficulty. The current players exploit the system to death, that's why it's difficult. The majority of the Joe Sixpacks that you're trying to lure in, will not. Even if you give them the best education, they will not exploit a game of chess, nor will they exploit GE:S.

These changes are only adding some small enhancements so beginners will not run away after one map, and keep playing as people are sticking around and playing, and getting better (Ala more competition).
More bodies, meaning less percentage competition. I don't want to play against lazy Joe's. I want to meet hardcore when I play.

Or would like to keep playing with the couple dozen regulars(who are world wide) and have them be the only real competition you have, as the noobs stop playing.
Yes. And if you'd bring GE:S to have everything GE007 had, including SP maps, you'd get more people.

My nephew had GE007 on the N64. Every release he checks it out and finds stuff still missing. "Where's Train?", "How to use dual waep-... wait not dual waepons?", etc. And he leaves because of that.

Do you even realise that newcommers will be like "Doesn't look like Crysis 5. Man this sucks."?

The rest of your post I have not quoted because I totally don't believe it's going to work out in RL.


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Re: GES Update 09/30/11 Programming & Ourumov Redux
« Reply #57 on: October 17, 2011, 08:13:24 pm »

I think you're blowing this way out of proportion, it's a little floating icon above teammates heads that is completely optional.

It's not worth arguing about, especially when you haven't seen it for yourself. All you have seen is WIP icons for it.

Trust me, these features are for your benefit too. The quicker new players can learn to play the more competent players there will be to give you a challenge. Unless of course your complaint is that you'd rather play against bewildered noobs.  ;)
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Re: GES Update 09/30/11 Programming & Ourumov Redux
« Reply #58 on: October 17, 2011, 08:58:30 pm »

I'm hoping that I'm blowing it way out of proportion. I really do.

I guess I also have to see it for myself first.

It's just that I've seen too many sequals for perfectly good series go to waste and turn into crap. You've got a gem on your hands, please don't screw it up  :-\


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Re: GES Update 09/30/11 Programming & Ourumov Redux
« Reply #59 on: October 17, 2011, 09:08:23 pm »

I don't want to play against lazy Joe's. I want to meet hardcore when I play.

Quit complaining, if you don't like it you and your buddies can stick with 4.1 and run around on your own empty little server while the rest of us enjoy the new enhancements. This isn't about you, it's about the team and all their hard work over the last 5 years not collecting dust, the more players they can bring in the better it will be for everyone, so let's not be selfish. ;)
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