Editing and Customization > Community Releases

Scaramanga's funhouse v3

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The Cy:
hi kids,

do a barrel roll! I proudly present the final version 3 of Scaramanga's funhouse ! the map is inspired by the bond movie "the man with the golden gun" and the gamecube game "goldeneye rogue agent". it's a map for the whole family! it' s funny, it's violent, it's an adventure with tons of features, such as the evil traps! bashe as a cowboy! and a little pervert hiding above the bottles! and here' s the link for the download: http://www.mediafire.com/?zirzbrj0js1j3ol
(boring instruction: please open the downloaded .rar file and put it´s content in the matching subfolders (map/scripts/music) of your gesource folder (and delete the older version of the funhouse). version 1 and 2 are history. THIS IS THE FINAL VERSION)

do you want some impressions of the map? here they come:

and now, please enjoy!

I've uploaded the newest version to the QA server.

Rick Astley:
cool cant wait to play online :D

Looks fun, will have to play it here soon. Have yet to play it on a busy server.

Wait so have all your Funhouses been named cy_funhouse? People who have older version will be screwed over and not be able to join a server with new version.

Just been walking around on this for about 40 mins, just taking in the sights and pressing the little red buttons. This map is awesome, great job, don't see any reason why this shouldn't be in the next release, although I did find the image of the boy and the goat a bit disturbing, and I don't mean the fact that he is naked and seems to be having a whale of a time with a goat, but more... Well... Just have a look for yourselves, something's missing.


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