Global Communications > Development Media

Off to Burning Man!

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How exactly does one put an online community in his will, say, in the off chance he were to be fucked to death by a horde of women on ecstasy?

Jonathan [Spider]:
look for my friend dasha, shes going to be nyan cat

Do you really want me looking for your friend dasha? Just think about the implications of that question. Especially if shes nyan cat.  Meow.

I bet Dasha is a man and Spider is playing an elaborate joke...

Jonathan [Spider]:

--- Quote from: basstronix on August 27, 2011, 03:59:42 am ---Do you really want me looking for your friend dasha? Just think about the implications of that question. Especially if shes nyan cat.  Meow.

--- End quote ---

i will be your long distance wing man lol


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