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Off to Burning Man!

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I'm in Reno sharing a room with a professional magician. The town is completely overrun with hippies wearing ridiculous shit. I ended up buying a hilariously large, yet incredibly functional sombrero. I've handed out my album to a variety of DJ's, so I'll be filming the crowd tripping the fuck out to my music :)

Mike [fourtecks]:
Loafie goes to burning man every year I think. Keep an eye out for him.

Burning Man was a life changing experience. Black Rock City really is a complete city that thrives on its residents having a great time. It's a massive party that goes for an entire week. Waking up on a random couch in a random part of the city and being brought breakfast by it's owner when I woke up morning after morning was unreal. Having lengthy, meaningful conversations with random strangers about the applications of microcontrollers and FPGA's in terms of speedy, high channel multiplexing while completely fucked off my ass was absolutely wonderful. Many burners are very intelligent. And according to, the higher your IQ, the more likely you are to be tripping balls at any given time.

My week in Black Rock City was epic. So epic that I'll be doing a three part story about it in the near future. For now, check out my stage and art car lighting for the Tetris stage (yes, I work for the owner of Tetris).

The lights have many functions, including music reactivity, but they only played one animation for the duration of the video. The same softare is loaded on the art car, demonstrating other patterns.

Here's a timelapse I shot from our stage on Friday night, the night the effigy burned.

That timelapse is SO sick! Did you see loafie? :P

I did not see the loaf.


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