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I made a poll

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Actually it wasn't about some chick I met lmao... It was about the general amount of people around you, at school, work, etc. I should have worded the question differently. The idea is... the more intelligence someone has, usually the more self-absorbed they are, and they won't be able to share their intelligence within a group setting very well. Whereas people who are more kind, humble, etc, will be more willing to help out a situation, or share information, even if it is minimal. This is just my opinion, and so far I thought the results would be split down the middle, but the greater number prefer kindness. Anyway, I believe 5 people that share some intelligence, but are more willing to share it in a group and contribute are more likely to succeed, than just 1 extremely intelligent person, at least in a common workplace environment.

I'm am thinking about building a scale, from 1 to 10. 10 being intelligence, and 1 being kindness. The idea is to hit somewhere around 5, a happy medium.


--- Quote from: MetalLizard on July 14, 2007, 02:30:24 am ---Actually it wasn't about some chick I met lmao... It was about the general amount of people around you, at school, work, etc.
--- End quote ---

seriously, am i the only person who understood that?

--- Quote --- The idea is... the more intelligence someone has, usually the more self-absorbed they are, and they won't be able to share their intelligence within a group setting very well. Whereas people who are more kind, humble, etc, will be more willing to help out a situation, or share information, even if it is minimal. This is just my opinion, and so far I thought the results would be split down the middle, but the greater number prefer kindness. Anyway, I believe 5 people that share some intelligence, but are more willing to share it in a group and contribute are more likely to succeed, than just 1 extremely intelligent person, at least in a common workplace environment.

I'm am thinking about building a scale, from 1 to 10. 10 being intelligence, and 1 being kindness. The idea is to hit somewhere around 5, a happy medium.

--- End quote ---

A scale will give a greater view of the populace who take the poll. usually, it will be that less people prefer only kindness, and the same for intelligence, and the majority of the population prefer the middle.

The Normal Distribution, if you want the statistical term - I could go into more detail but i doubt you care and aren't going to want to know. (sorry, this is what doing a Statistics module in A-Level Maths does to you)


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