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3D Modeler & Level Designer

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I think I've improved a bit last time I made a thread like this.

3D Examples:
Long time experience with 3DS Max. I can also UV and import models in the Source engine.

The clay render is adding unintended blur on the top blade area.

Level Design Examples:

I think you all remember my ge_warehouse_v2 map.

This was the map I was working on, but I lost the vmf for it.

The following is from a map I made for Unreal Tournament 2004. Years ago.

Past experiences:

I have been with two development teams in the past. The first one was called "Shartics", the team was to make a new mod for UT2004 - I was lead level designer then. It lasted from 2005 to 2006. The second team I was with from 2008 to 2009 was called "EdgeFire Games", and I had multiple positions:

* Media Specialist (for my video editing skills)
Lead 3D Modeler
Lead Web Programmer
Lead Level Designer

wow, i like the UT2004 map. Do you have a link to that? I would like to download it and try it.

As for your work, it looks really good. GES Devs will be right with you in a bit.

Jonathon [SSL]:
Persnally I like your style and I feel Warehouse shows an understanding of the proper map style for GES. Though one thing I'd like to see is more static environment art in Source, like if you were to do a custom art pass in Warehouse.

I feel that your model work is stronger than your level design work. Though your models are lacking examples of detailed texture work beyond basic ambient occlusion.

As I understand it at this point we're only bringing on very experienced and adept level designers. I expect if anything you'll be trialed for a modelling position.

But we'll see what Luchador says.

I think all he has to prove is dedication. He clearly has drive to succeed, which is better than expert talent at this point.


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