I think I've improved a bit last time I made a thread like this.
3D Examples:Long time experience with 3DS Max. I can also UV and import models in the Source engine.

The clay render is adding unintended blur on the top blade area.

Level Design Examples:I think you all remember my ge_warehouse_v2 map.

This was the map I was working on, but I lost the vmf for it.

The following is from a map I made for Unreal Tournament 2004. Years ago.

Past experiences:I have been with two development teams in the past. The first one was called "Shartics", the team was to make a new mod for UT2004 - I was lead level designer then. It lasted from 2005 to 2006. The second team I was with from 2008 to 2009 was called "EdgeFire Games", and I had multiple positions:
- Media Specialist (for my video editing skills)
Lead 3D Modeler
Lead Web Programmer
Lead Level Designer