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Author Topic: UPDATE: What I think can be touched on, Invulnerability.  (Read 16648 times)

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Re: UPDATE: What I think can be touched on, Invulnerability.
« Reply #30 on: July 30, 2011, 04:02:13 am »

I do know where your coming from Flash2011, I've been here before, but for us this is a mod, for them this is their baby, would you want to change any of the features on your baby, besides this is a remake and that's exactly what it does, it's original because of that fact. The mod has an awkward learning curve for sure and it does scare away a lot of players, but just stick with it cos this is as good a remake as your ever going to get, and the next release s going to be awesome.

I feel like we might as well just give up hope and since this is as good as ever going to get sounds like "shut up and like it or don't play it"

As for the next release, is it going to matter? They obviously don't care what their player base has to say.  League of Legends for example listens to their community. A champion known as Xin was nerfed, everyone said your crazy for doing that, they unnerf him. Sounds like common sense to me.


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Re: UPDATE: What I think can be touched on, Invulnerability.
« Reply #31 on: July 30, 2011, 06:08:03 am »

I can say right now that if we took out invurn there would be a lot more people than just you angry at us and demanding we change it back.

This game is different.  There are different strategies involved and learning to adapt and compensate for them is part of the game.  Yes, that means automatic weapons aren't as powerful as they would be traditionally.  Yes, that means that better weapon/more health = higher chance at victory.  However, these are elements that contribute to GE:S being a new experience rather than another "modern" shooter.

We've tried the exclusion of the invurn mechanic, and it just didn't work.  We've been working with this game for half a decade now, we've established what works and what doesn't.  While it is true that there are several issues with our mod, they are more so kinks to work out rather than issues with the core gameplay.

I really don't see why this is still going on.  It's been explained as to why we've kept this mechanic and why it works.  I don't see how you could go on saying the game is just a "run and gun" shooter with no skill element when strategy is one of the most important things to keep in mind when aiming for a good performance.  Correct use of the radar and the prediction of enemy actions allows you to know where everyone will be in 10 seconds and how you can take advantage of that.  Most of the experienced players in our mod have about the same relative performance as the pros in other games.  Sure, jumping in someone's face or ambushing them don't work too well with the invulnerability and radar, but this only allows for other tactics.

Notice that the definition of skill is not constant across platforms.  In some games, it's about having good aim.   In others, it's about reflexes and tactics.  In our mod, it's about awareness and strategy.  Just because the skills you've learned in counterstrike don't work in GE:S doesn't mean that the game lacks a skillful element, it just means you haven't honed in on it yet.  Some people want a game that caters to good reflexes or ambush tactics, but GE:S isn't designed for that.

Really, all i can say at this point is that our mod isn't trying to be COD or Counterstrike.  I don't see why you want the elements of one game in another one if you can just play the first one.  We're giving you a new experience, just because it's fundamentally different from the shovel-ware produced nowadays doesn't mean it's not as good.
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Re: UPDATE: What I think can be touched on, Invulnerability.
« Reply #32 on: July 30, 2011, 06:54:06 am »

I can say right now that if we took out invurn there would be a lot more people than just you angry at us and demanding we change it back.
Did you test this on live servers or was it in house testing? I find it hard to believe that the invuln system being gone would be anything but better.

Correct use of the radar and the prediction of enemy actions allows you to know where everyone will be in 10 seconds and how you can take advantage of that.
I don't want to say this radar is for newbies, because I like radars, but the fact it reveals where everyone is at all times whether they've fired a shot or not doesn't exactly make it difficult to use. You know exactly where your opponent is going to be.
I've had show downs where people just hid behind pillars waiting because they knew when you were going to move and they'd just aim in that direction. Not a good idea, the radar is too dumb down and there is no predicting anything cause you can just see when they're about to move left or right or running away.

Sure, jumping in someone's face or ambushing them don't work too well with the invulnerability and radar, but this only allows for other tactics.
Explain these "other tactics". As far as i've seen its just spray each other sporadically.

In our mod, it's about awareness and strategy.  Just because the skills you've learned in counterstrike don't work in GE:S doesn't mean that the game lacks a skillful element, it just means you haven't honed in on it yet.  Some people want a game that caters to good reflexes or ambush tactics, but GE:S isn't designed for that.
Elaborate please.

Really, all i can say at this point is that our mod isn't trying to be COD or Counterstrike.  I don't see why you want the elements of one game in another one if you can just play the first one.  We're giving you a new experience, just because it's fundamentally different from the shovel-ware produced nowadays doesn't mean it's not as good.
I'm not simply asking for what's in COD or CS. I'm saying, look at HUGELY successful those 2 games are, look at how amazing the mechanics are compared to GE:64 (Counterstrike only came out 2 years AFTER GE:64 and IS STILL PLAYED HEAVILY). Why not utilize what those 2 games have in common and create something NEW.
Instead of just carbon copying an outdated mechanic from 1997, why not create a new updated mechanic designed for modern gamers?

I don't see why you want the elements of one game in another one if you can just play the first one.
Why don't I just turn on my N64 and play Goldeneye its literally the same experience as your mod. Modernize the mechanics and you'll have instant gold on your hands.


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Re: UPDATE: What I think can be touched on, Invulnerability.
« Reply #33 on: July 30, 2011, 11:06:04 am »

Why don't I just turn on my N64 and play Goldeneye its literally the same experience as your mod. Modernize the mechanics and you'll have instant gold on your hands.

Last i checked wasn't that the actual point of this mod to be a REMAKE of the classic goldeneye 64 game? And thats the general reason i like this mod as much as i do its about as close to possible as a 1:1 port with graphical improvements.

Removing that dynamic would be a major divergence from the original remake status of the game and not just a a small addition or modernization.

hey this mod has a python API, could it just be expanded to allow for Flash2011 to work on his very own "improved" no invlun game mode so he can quit his bitching? and if it works out enough in the court of public opinion let the game mode be a addition to the mod.  :P


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Re: UPDATE: What I think can be touched on, Invulnerability.
« Reply #34 on: July 30, 2011, 12:41:12 pm »

Yes you can definitely get *close* to a no-invuln system by tweaking all damages that pass through: ShouldDoCustomDamage( ... )

You'd want to do more damage the lower their health is since you get more invuln after less than 50%, so to curtail that I would just finish them off if the damage is 75% or greater than their remaining health.

You could even spawn some blood spouts with the particle effect call: GEUtil.ParticleEffect( ... )
« Last Edit: July 30, 2011, 12:42:49 pm by killermonkey »


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Re: UPDATE: What I think can be touched on, Invulnerability.
« Reply #35 on: July 30, 2011, 12:55:57 pm »

hey this mod has a python API, could it just be expanded to allow for Flash2011 to work on his very own "improved" no invlun game mode so he can quit his bitching? and if it works out enough in the court of public opinion let the game mode be a addition to the mod.  :P

One should never facilitate mediocrity when they strive for perfection.

Flash I think your problem is you firmly believe that you are correct and you are not willing to consider the posibility that you are wrong. I can only hope as you grow older you drop the juvenile ego-driven preaching mentality and realise that there's a difference between presenting your opinion and attempting to beat people into submission with it.

You are arguing with people who individually know exponentially more about the subject you are talking about than you do, and it's clear you are not looking for a rationalization or an explanation as to why your idea is a bad one, you are not looking for constructive criticism, you are only looking to have your idea accepted and implemented.
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Re: UPDATE: What I think can be touched on, Invulnerability.
« Reply #36 on: July 30, 2011, 01:22:23 pm »

I have heard enough of the invuln stuff, if another thread comes up about it, you will not be welcome here anymore. Thank you for your cooperation.
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