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Applying for level designer
The Giblets of Jesus:
Firstly hello, this is my first time posting here so I'll introduce myself.
My name is Craig Tinney, but I most commonly go by the online name, The Giblets of Jesus. I've been using the source engine to make a variety of different maps for around 3 years including 2 attempts at re-making old bond game multiplayer maps.
I was actually contacted by one of the GE:S dev team (JcFerggy) a short while back in regards to one of my reamkes, Ctf_Skryail_2010;
Larger image:
I'm not sure what state the GE:S adaptation that he's been working on is going, but I should hope it's running smoothly and in more than capable hands.
I've also started work on recreating Fort Knox (another Nightfire map), although but this point its just a series of dev blocks, after being initially asked to do so by JcFerggy.
Through my last 3 years of using the source engine I have built up a solid understanding of advanced brush and entity manipulation, as well as numerous different methods of approaching and solving technical and practical problems. I also have a basic knowledge of texture creation if needs be.
I can be reached through the following methods if necessary;
Steam: xXcraggenXx
Some other previous works of mine;
Youtube account:
Gamebanana account:
Jonathon [SSL]:
At this point something we really need are level designers who can make unique props and textures for their maps, as for the most part our LD positions are pretty much full.
Are you able to do either of those things?
One thing I'd say is GE:S is quite a step up from the level of detail in CS:S maps, we use a lot more geometry and heavy use of models and we're leaning heavily towards 100% custom content from this point onwards.
You say you have basic knowledge of how to create textures, do you have some examples you could show us?
The Giblets of Jesus:
Currently I cannot make any 3D models and my texturing only really goes as far as making non looping textures such as these banners;
I'm always willing to learn, but if your not interested, I understand.
The question is would you be willing to learn some (basic) 3d modelling and improve on your texturing abilities?
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