Just a little preview of my newest gameplay,
Uplink! The gameplay is pretty much done code-wise and I'll have an open beta soon. We played it for a few hours last night with no problems. For those of you who remember,
Uplink was a mode in a few previous Bond games (TWINE, Nightfire). This gameplay is sort of a GE:S re-imagining of those modes.
At the start of the round, a number of flags will spawn around the map. Each flag marks one Capture Point. When a player touches the flag, a bar will come up showing the time until they take that Control Point. After taking a Control Point, the radar icon changes to that teams color and the Control Point starts generating points for the team every few seconds. A team can "steal" that point by capturing it from the other team. If both teams are on the same Control Point, the Control Point is "contested" and neither team can capture the Control Point. Currently the gameplay is teamplay-only due to possibly unfixable limitations in the radar system.
There are some features that may be added through server plugins or GE:S updates. I know it's been a while since the last GE:S news update, so hopefully if you guys like this enough it'll tide you over : )
Note: Here is a
of Uplink gameplay from The World Is Not Enough