Editing and Customization > General Discussion

So what will not be in Goldeneye Source?

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--- Quote from: CCsaint10 on June 20, 2012, 06:54:17 am ---Don't you be hatin on my girl.

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If i remember correctly, she was was Spiders GF.

The Cy:

--- Quote from: Jonathon [SSL] on June 20, 2012, 01:57:27 am ---It's more a matter of, bug Loafie so that he'll send us the character model(s) he finished but never sent anyone. There's quite a few of them.

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I´ve never understood why some people leave just like that. if you´re right with your assumption, he has the damn duty to send the files to the rest of the team, so that they have the chance to finish his work. leaving and deliver nothing is just a bad habit, even if they´re doing it for free. all hat and no cattle. I suppose he did the same thing with his map ge_temple, didn´t he?

Jonathon [SSL]:

--- Quote from: The Cy on June 20, 2012, 03:19:53 pm ---I´ve never understood why some people leave just like that. if you´re right with your assumption, he has the damn duty to send the files to the rest of the team, so that they have the chance to finish his work. leaving and deliver nothing is just a bad habit, even if they´re doing it for free. all hat and no cattle. I suppose he did the same thing with his map ge_temple, didn´t he?

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I'm pretty sure he went on to do bigger and better things. He doesn't HAVE to do anything for the mod. But he completed a lot of really great characters that we never got.

I sent him a message on Facebook, with any luck I can remove natalya from the undeliverables list.


--- Quote from: killermonkey on June 20, 2012, 03:45:42 pm ---I sent him a message on Facebook, with any luck I can remove natalya from the undeliverables list.

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