"The point in having 27 different weapons is that some can be innacurate and require you to get closer to your target to make accurate shots."
You mean like shotguns?

The inconsistency of your sentence is astonishing.
I have seriously never seen that in any game except GES. Especially an online FPS PC game.
Where did you get that?!
I wonder why the klobb doesn't deal no damages at all then.?
And there should be the "Cerebral Bore" from Turok!
If to add more guns is to increase the crappiness of gameplay then sure, it works pretty well.
Let's add the SCAR, the MP44, tank bullets, artillery...
Why more guns?! Why not one shotgun, one pistol, one sniper, one rifle, etc.?!
Basically, the weapon system in goldeneye 64 was the more you progress in the missions (I'm not giving a lecture here, just my point of view - I know it doesn't feel like it but that's just my english

), the more you progress in the missions, (god, that smiley has a retarded smile!), the more you progress in the missions, the better guns you picked off the hands of your ennemies.
What does it add except a little variety to the missions?!
In multiplayer, it was more or less the same but you had the luxury to avoid your opponents and get the better guns of the game to face them at some point. Or at least a decent gun.
The problem here is (so obivous, first point) that the gap between each weapon is increased in GES while it should be, in my opinion, the opposite (just compare the KF7, watch videos if needed).
And that value is even more increased by the number of players (over 12 is unplayable).
Hopefully, there is teams.
So, most of the time, you're facing players that have either the body armor or not, and have a way better gun than you or simply the worst gun of the game like the klobb.
It's... never fair!
Even when you hold shift it does nothing properly. You need to cross fingers with your third hand.
When you aim with the pp7 silenced, for instance, it doesn't shot in the middle.
I miss headshots all the time with that gun while aiming the head with an unwavering precision, even when my ennemy is at middle distance.
I don't even get the point of being more accurate when you aim. In the original game, it allowed you to aim the head because otherwise it would just autoaim the body.
It was surely a great idea on paper, like not allowing players to jump so they stop the (not so much) trick of jumping-aiming-shooting with the shotgun.
Anyway, apparently, the accuracy of weapons is not as an interesting topic as jumping.