Global Communications > Development Media

[CHAR] Mishkin Render (7/09/2007)

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Sean [Baron]:
Click for larger image

Model and Texture by Konrad Beerbaum.


mishkin looks awesome.

He looks OK in my opinion, but you can do much better (I've seen your other models).

Try modelling Mishkin's face after this picture:

Or this:

Loafie, Hero of Dreams:
im pretty sure he modeled it on the bottom one

Konrad Beerbaum:
Yea I used the bottom one, along with a bunch of other images.  The thing to remember is that although we tried to capture the overall look and feel of the character, we intentionally avoided recreating the actor perfectly due to actor copyright issues.   While that may sound like an excuse (I thought so initially), it is a very real threat and something we had to be mindful of.   That doesn't mean we don't read and make changes due to the critiques you guys give, but please keep that in mind if some changes aren't made. 


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