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Q Lab ; Special Report

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Jeron [SharpSh00tah]:

--- Quote from: CCsaint10 on April 04, 2011, 12:35:59 am did I start? :O This thread is super confusing now and nobody knows what is going on....

--- End quote ---

Chicken or the egg?

Boris twirling his pen while humping Mayday covered in hollandaise sauce.  How is that for confusion?

Tastes like....strawberries...

somehow... ;D

Rick Astley:

--- Quote from: Wake[of]theBunT on April 04, 2011, 08:32:50 am ---Tastes like....strawberries...

somehow... ;D

--- End quote ---

El Dudereno:
Awesome.  There are so many possibilities for multiplayer now.  Sure single player mode would be sweet but adding AI to the current modes would be great.  Especially when no one is online then I can just play against bots for practice like Perfect Dark.  They should have the advanced bots look like little green aliens.  Those basterds were hard as hell to beat. 


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