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Q Lab ; Special Report

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Special Report:

Q's lab has recently released some tantalizing information on a nifty new gadget coming to a
special agent near you. We have been able to isolate the essence of every one of 007's enemies and
allies alike and distilled them down to simple computer input languages! This will come at great advantage
for your training missions to prepare you for your ultimate confrontations. Read on to learn more about
this exciting discovery...

GoldenEye: Source is announcing the ability to program AI from within Python! This amazing advancement
allows us to define the actions, decisions, and personalities of enemies and allies with minimal programming
and rapid prototyping. Every other mod and game out there is stuck with hard coded Artificial Intelligence
that is static, predictable, and boring.

Highlights of Python AI:

* Dynamically reload the brain of NPCs ingame
* Prototype several versions of AI simply
* No need to know C++ or compile code to make an NPC!
* Simplification of AI process, can make a basic NPC in 30 lines of python
* Fully customizable, plugs directly into existing Valve AI framework
Uses of Python AI:

* Support gameplay specific bots
* Define many types of NPCs easily
* Debug AI in 1/4 of the time
* Enable customization of AI by the player
So 007, I expect you to harness this power with utmost prejudice. Your next step is to enter our life-like training
simulator to prepare for upcoming missions of the utmost importance. Q out.

--- Quote from: killermonkey on April 02, 2011, 01:24:10 am ---just to set the record straight....

This news is 100% legit

We are tracking remarkedly well on AI development and it is true that you can code an NPC in 30 lines of python if you so desire.

Right now I am working on bots, proving to be very challenging, but that too shall be conquered. The main challenge is how to get NPC's to act like players. Utilize the robust AI framework coupled with a player proxy object so that it can interact with gameplay, scores, etc.
--- End quote ---

Does this mean bots are coming? That would be awesome, especially if you could pick hardness of each one like Perfect Dark. Or even give them the ability to lean out from behind walls etc, this would give a nice single player aspect to the mod for sure if you could set yourself challenges, it would also be a great way for newcomers to get some practice.

If I got you right, We are one step ahead into the development of Single Player, Although there must be hundreds of thousands of steps.

Sir, You made my day, And it started four hours ago.

Rick Astley:
Fantastic News

The Cy:
yeaaaaah  ;D


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